Democrats want to turn Texas into California with ‘dyed…

Amid a tight re-election fight, Sen. Ted Cruz warned that liberals want to turn Texas into California, "right down to tofu and silicon and dyed hair." Democrats want to turn Texas into California with 'dyed hair' and 'tofu,' Ted Cruz warns Amid a tight re-election fight, Sen. Ted Cruz warned that liberals want to turn Texas into California, "right down to tofu and silicon and dyed hair."

Cruz: Dems Want to Make Texas Like California With Its ‘Tofu, Silicon and Dyed Hair’

Democrats want to make Texas just like California, Sen. Ted Cruz told supporters at a rally on Saturday, CNN reported. "We are seeing tens of millions of dollars flooding into the state of Texas from liberals all over the country who desperately want to turn the state of Texas blue," Cruz said during a speaking event in Katy, Texas.

Smithsonian Experts Available to Help Survivors Restore Family Treasures

Survivors of Hurricane Harvey can learn how to salvage household treasures damaged by the storm from Smithsonian Institution preservation experts visiting three State of Texas/FEMA Disaster Recovery Centers this week. Among the heirlooms that might be salvageable are photos, artwork, quilts, important documents and other keepsakes.