Energy Hearings This Week

Hearings to examine the Department of the Interior's final list of critical minerals for 2018 and opportunities to strengthen the United States' mineral security. "The Future of Fossil: Energy Technologies Leading the Way" Witnesses: Dr. Roger Aines Senior Scientist, Atmospheric, Earth and Energy Division, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory; Dr. Klaus Brun, Program Director, Machinery Program, Fluids & Machinery Engineering Department, Southwest Research Institute; Ms.

House GOP advancing spending boosts for Pentagon, veterans

The GOP-controlled House has given tentative approval to a $1.6 billion down payment for President Donald Trump's long-promised wall along the U.S.-Mexico border. The controversial wall money is being given a ride on legislation to give the Pentagon a massive spending boost and increase funding for veterans medical care.

Trump’s $4T budget arrives on Capitol Hill

President Donald Trump on Tuesday sent Congress a $4.1 trillion spending plan that relies on faster economic growth and steep cuts to programs for the poor in a bid to balance the government's books over the next decade. The proposed 2018 budget immediately came under attack by Democrats and even some of GOP allies declared it dead on arrival.

Analysis: Trumpa s border wall faces reality check

President Donald Trump's vow to accelerate construction of a "contiguous, physical wall" along the Mexican border is slamming into a Washington reality - who's going to pay for it and how? U.S. taxpayers will foot the bill, starting with money already in the Department of Homeland Security account that amounts to a small down payment. Then it's up to the Republican-led Congress to come up with possibly billions of dollars more, cutting money for other domestic programs to finance the wall.

Analysis: Trump’s border wall faces reality check

President Donald Trump's vow to accelerate construction of a "contiguous, physical wall" along the Mexican border is slamming into a Washington reality - who's going to pay for it and how? U.S. taxpayers will foot the bill, starting with existing money in the Department of Homeland Security account that amounts to a small down payment. Then it's up to the Republican-led Congress to come up with possibly billions of dollars more, cutting money for other domestic programs to finance the wall.

House GOP Shoots Down Move to Scrap Appropriations Committee

House Republicans on Monday night rejected a proposal that would have dissolved the Appropriations Committee and put its discretionary spending authority in the hands of the authorizing committees, among other sweeping proposed changes to House rules. The proposal, from Rep. Devin Nunes , R-Calif., was strongly condemned ahead of the closed-door meeting by House Appropriations Chairman Rodney Frelinghuysen , R-N.J., who said adopting the Nunes amendment to a rules package would take the unified Republican Congress in the "wrong direction."

House, Senate GOP seals agreement on $1.1B Zika measure

House and Senate Republicans have reached agreement among themselves on a $1.1 billion measure to combat the Zika virus, but the measure drew immediate opposition from Democrats who signaled they would scuttle it over its spending cuts and "poison pills." WASHINGTON - House and Senate Republicans have reached agreement among themselves on a $1.1 billion measure to combat the Zika virus, but the measure drew immediate opposition from Democrats who signaled they would scuttle it over its spending cuts and "poison pills."

CDC director Freiden warns GOP Zika bill is inadequate

Sen. Roy Blunt, R-Mo., left, accompanied by Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell of Ky., speaks about Zika funding during a news conference on Capitol Hill in Washington, Tuesday, May 17, 2016. Sen. Roy Blunt, R-Mo., left, accompanied by Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell of Ky., speaks about Zika funding during a news conference on Capitol Hill in Washington, Tuesday, May 17, 2016.