What Paul Ryan’s primary could tell us about Donald Trump and…

An early-May poll showed Paul Ryan's primary challenger with the support of 14% of voters in Wisconsin's 1st District. Earlier this week, Paul Nehlen, the Wisconsin businessman looking to unseat the House speaker, wound up with a near identical level of support - just 15.9% - in the Tuesday primary.

Avoiding major upset, Paul Ryan wins GOP nomination

House Speaker Paul Ryan rejected the idea that his easy win Tuesday over a long-shot Republican primary challenger praised by Donald Trump spells danger for Trump's presidential prospects in the swing state of Wisconsin. All the huge primary win means, Ryan insisted, is that he's really well-liked in the congressional district where he was born and raised and has won election to represent since 1998.

Paul Ryan Defeats GOP Primary Challenger

Get ready for a shock, folks, but Paul Ryan , who was consistently well ahead of his Republican primary challenger for weeks won reelection! This was a fairly obvious fact to everyone, but Donald Trump 's brief flirtation with Paul Nehlen last week stirred up a media frenzy and got Ryan's challenger some media attention .

Politicon 2016: Sarah Palin blasts GOP establishment, stumps for Donald Trump

PASADENA >> Sarah Palin used her extensive stage time at Politicon on Sunday to stump for Donald Trump, blast the Republican establishment and promote gun rights in her blunt, riffing style that her fans love and her critics love to make fun of. The former Alaskan governor and vice presidential nominee eight years ago was an early supporter of the real estate mogul and used her first speech of the day to lay out the reasons why he is the GOP's presumptive nominee after besting a broad field that included such big names as Jeb Bush, Marco Rubio and Ted Cruz.

6 Things to Know About Prospective Third-Party Candidate David French

David French talks on C-SPAN about his piece in the National Review, ??G.I. Jag: The Scandal of Our Rules of Engagement,? in which he examines rules of engagement governing U.S. troops as they combat terrorism overseas, on Jan. 6, 2016. "Just a heads up over this holiday weekend: There will be an independent candidate - -an impressive one, with a strong team and a real chance," "Weekly Standard" editor Bill Kristol teased ahead of Memorial Day .