U.S. Senator Invites Russian Lawmakers to Washington for Talks

U.S. Senator Rand Paul said he invited Russian lawmakers to Washington, after talks in Moscow that his hosts called a signal to President Donald Trump of a desire to build ties. Paul told reporters Monday that he issued the invitation at a meeting with members of the international relations committee of Russia's upper house of parliament, including the chairman, Konstantin Kosachyov, and Sergey Kislyak, the former Russian ambassador to the U.S. The Republican lawmaker, a member of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, "has access" to Trump and top U.S. officials "and we expect that we will be able to convey through him our signals" of a desire to establish dialogue, Kosachyov said, according to the state-run RIA Novosti news service.

GOP senators rave about Kavanaugh; Dems prepare to grill him

By LISA MASCARO, AP Congressional Correspondent WASHINGTON - Now that Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh has met privately with almost every Republican senator, it's becoming increasingly clear President Donald Trump's pick for the bench is running into little GOP resistance to confirmation this fall.

‘Modern Day Debtors’ Prisons’

Despite releasing a comprehensive and remarkably radical criminal justice reform agenda in 2015, Senator Bernie Sanders was accused throughout his presidential campaign of being insufficiently concerned with the topic, and of habitually changing the subject to economics . The reality is that Mr. Sanders has the clearest insight into the connections between criminal justice issues and economic inequality of any major politician today.

Ghost Gun Issue Pushes Its Way Into 2018 Campaign

A Second Amendment position has already cost one Republican attorney general candidate an endorsement from Connecticut's premiere gun rights group, and it's likely to continue to be part of the discussion through the November election. The issue - how the government regulates 3D printed guns, also known as ghost guns because they are untraceable - has catapulted its way into the 2018 election in Connecticut and across the country.

Kavanaugh meets with Democrat Manchin, wins support of GOP’s…

President Donald Trump's Supreme Court nominee made fresh inroads with senators on Monday, as he held a lengthy meeting with a Democratic lawmaker and won the support of an unpredictable Republican. U.S. Appeals Court Judge Brett Kavanaugh spent about two hours in the office of Sen. Joe Manchin of West Virginia, the first Democrat to meet with him.

President Trump threatens shutdown over wall, immigration

President Donald Trump threatened Sunday to push the government into a shutdown ahead of the coming spending deadline in September if Congress does not fund his border wall and change the nation's immigration laws. "I would be willing to 'shut down' government if the Democrats do not give us the votes for Border Security, which includes the Wall! Must get rid of Lottery, Catch & Release etc.

The Senate is in session this week. The House is in recess.

The Senate reconvenes today at 3:00 pm to consider the nomination of Britt Grant to serve as a judge on the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Eleventh Circuit. Prior to her nomination to the Eleventh Circuit, Grant served as solicitor general of Georgia and on the Supreme Court of Georgia.

The Memo: Trump keeps friends and foes guessing on trade

Trump seemed to de-escalate from the growing threat of an all-out trade war with Europe when he spoke Wednesday alongside European Commission president Jean-Claude Juncker in the White House Rose Garden. The president's improvisational style makes it next to impossible to guess where he goes next - something that could be a problem for everyone from American workers to foreign investors.

Polling could be missing reality, again

Donald John Trump Meadows threatens to force a vote on Rosenstein impeachment Republican feels 'victimized' by Twitter 'shadow banning' GOP senators surprised to attend Trump's tariffs announcement MORE had almost no chance of being elected president. The entire pundit-polling-news establishment was wrong, and the expectation was that these institutions would recalibrate their coverage to reflect a true picture of the country.

GOP Senator Rand Paul Rips Former US Intelligence Officials

NewsOK Pro is a fast and easy way to build your own customized topic pages and add them to the existing NewsOK you've grown to love. GOP Senator Rand Paul Rips Former US Intelligence Officials Rand Paul is doubling down on calls to revoke security clearances of former U.S. intelligence officials who have criticized President Donald Trump.

Ryan calls Trump threat to pull clearances ‘just trolling’

President Donald Trump's threat to revoke the security clearances of top former officials critical of his administration left congressional leaders stunned and confused, with the House speaker shrugging it off as a bit of "trolling." Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, R-Ky., was surprised to learn that many former top national security and intelligence officials maintain access to classified information after they leave their posts.

Ryan says Trump just ‘trolling’ on threat to pull clearances

House Speaker Paul Ryan dismissed President Donald Trump's plan to revoke security clearances from top former national security officials as just a mild form of "trolling," rather than a serious attack on dissent. Graphic shows six individuals from whom Donald Trump is considering revoking security clearances; 2c x 5 inches; 96.3 mm x 127 mm; White House press secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders points to a reporter to take a question as she speaks during the daily press briefing at the White House, Monday, July 23, 2018, in Washington.

Trump’s ‘petty’ threat after Putin meeting

DONALD Trump has threatened to strip former officials of their security clearances after they criticised his summit meeting with Vladimir Putin. Donald Trump has threatened to strip former officials of their security clearances after they criticised his summit meeting with Vladimir Putin.

Police arrest 16-year-old girl in 2017 murder of North Carolina man

Police said they arrested Presschara McVay, 16, Monday morning and charged her with murder and conspiracy to commit robbery with a dangerous weapon . Officers said McVay was involved in the robbery and shooting death of Abraham Wallace on Waddell Street in northwest Charlotte in November 2017.

President Trump considers revoking security clearances for former U.S. officials

WASHINGTON President Donald Trump is exploring "mechanisms" to revoke security clearances for former U.S. officials who have criticized him for his handling of the Russia investigation and his relationship with Russian President Vladimir Putin, White House press secretary Sarah Sanders said Monday. Sanders said the administration is reviewing clearances for former CIA director John Brennan, former FBI director director James Comey, former national intelligence director James Clapper, former CIA director Michael Hayden, former national security adviser Susan Rice and former deputy FBI director Andrew McCabe.

Trump considering revoking ex-Obama officials security clearances

President Donald Trump is considering revoking the security clearances of a half dozen former Obama administration officials and critics of his presidency. White House spokeswoman Sarah Huckabee Sanders said Monday that the president is "exploring the mechanisms" to strip clearance from former CIA director John Brennan, along with former FBI director Jim Comey, former national intelligence director James Clapper and others.