Putin says whoever cracks AI will ‘rule the world’

Russian President Vladimir Putin says that whoever reaches a breakthrough in developing artificial intelligence will come to dominate the world. Putin, speaking Friday at a meeting with students, said the development of AI raises 'colossal opportunities and threats that are difficult to predict now.'

Army study reveals new findings on human-autonomy interaction

A team of Army scientists and engineers have challenged long-held views in the area of human-autonomy interaction to change the way science involves people, especially in developing advanced technical systems that involve artificial intelligence and autonomy. A team of Army scientists, including Dr. Amar Marathe, have challenged long-held views in the area of human-autonomy interaction to change the way science involves people, especially in developing advanced technical systems that involve artificial intelligence and autonomy.

An Engineer’s Guide to the Artificial Intelligence Galaxy

An Engineer's Guide to the Artificial Intelligence Galaxy Commencement Speech, Engineering School of Columbia University. May 15, 2017 Kai-Fu Lee Commencement Speech, Engineering School of Columbia University May 15, 2017 Class Day By Dr. Kai-Fu Lee Founder & CEO, Sinovation Ventures President, Sinovation Ventures Artificial Intelligence Institute Thank you, Class of 2017.

Alleged Russian hack reveals a deeply flawed election system

Election officials have long contended that the highly decentralized, often ramshackle U.S. voting system is its own best defense against vote-rigging and sabotage . New evidence from a leaked intelligence report indicates that hasn't deterred foreign adversaries from exploring ways to attack it anyway.

Leaked NSA doc highlights deep flaws in US election system

A leaked intelligence document outlining alleged attempts by Russian military intelligence to hack into U.S. election systems is the latest evidence suggesting a broad and sophisticated foreign attack on the integrity of the nation's elections. And it underscores the contention of security experts and computer scientists that the highly decentralized, often ramshackle U.S. election system remains profoundly vulnerable to trickery or sabotage .

Universal Basic Income Is Neither Universal Nor Basic

As machine learning and robotics improve in the coming decades, hundreds of millions of jobs are likely to disappear, disrupting the economies and trade networks of the entire world. The Industrial Revolution created the urban working class, and much of the social and political history of the 20th century revolved around its problems.

Trump’s Pressure on Tech Outsourcers Might Be Paying Off

President Trump has long promised to crack down on tech firms that undercut American workers by bringing in less expensive foreign labor. Last month, he signed an executive order that promised extra oversight of the H-1B visa system that speeds the entry of high-skilled tech workers into the US.

WikiLeaks CIA files: Are they real and are they a risk?

WikiLeaks has published thousands of documents that the anti-secrecy organization said were classified files revealing scores of secrets about CIA hacking tools used to break into targeted computers, cellphones and even smart TVs. The CIA and the Trump administration declined to comment on the authenticity of the files Tuesday, but prior WikiLeaks releases divulged government secrets maintained by the State Department, Pentagon and other agencies that have since been acknowledged as genuine.

Here’s how the F-35 stacks up to Russia and China’s…

As the US starts to forward-deploy more of its F-35 Lightning, China and Russia have been putting the finishing touches on their own batches of fifth-generation aircraft - and they all express vastly different ideas about what the future of air combat will look like. For the US, stealth and sophisticated networks define its vision for the future of air combat with the F-22 and F-35.

Nitro Solutions and Field Forensics, Inc. Announce Availability of…

"Our technology brings artificial intelligence and predictive analytics to chemical detection and perimeter security, helping these organizations rise to meet surveillance challenges." - Pete Slade, CEO, Nitro Solutions Media Contact: Nitro Solutions: Zach Marner zmarner contactnitro com, 813-223-4677 x107 Field Forensics, Inc.: Craig Johnson cjohnson fieldforensics com,727-490-3609 x111 Nitro Solutions today announced the next generation of Nitro Elite Guarda , an advanced technology solution that enables immediate situational awareness through the real-time detection and identification of explosive materials, radioactive materials and illicit narcotics.

Intentionally or not, big brands help…

Take, for instance, a story that falsely claimed former President Barack Obama had banned Christmas cards to overseas military personnel. Despite debunking by The Associated Press and other fact-checking outlets, that article lives on at "Fox News The FB Page," which has no connection to the news channel although its bears a replica of its logo.

Facebook lifts ban, allows RT to post content1 hour ago

Moscow, Jan 20: After an "unexplained" 20-hour ban on Russian television network RT posting content on its Facebook page till Donald Trump takes oath as US President, the social networking giant on Friday lifted the restriction, allowing RT to go live. Facing criticism for allegedly spreading fake news that favoured Trump and racial bias in hate speech censorship, a Facebook bot banned RT from posting content on its page on Thursday.

CenturyLink adds SDN, NFV to Defense Dept. contract service lineup

CenturyLink has added SDN and NFV to its Defense Research and Engineering Network III contract service lineup, signaling a trend that public sector agencies are advancing their own network virtualization efforts. This deployment is being carried out with the U.S. Department of Defense High Performance Computing Modernization Program .

Qualcomm’s latest technology allows drones to learn about their environment as they fly

Drones took up a lot of floor space at the Consumer Electronics Show in Las Vegas this year, but one of the most impressive displays of new drone tech came from Qualcomm. The chipmaker showed off the latest iteration of its Snapdragon Flight Drone Platform, which allows for flight control and machine learning in real time onboard a drone.

Election system susceptible to rigging despite red flags

Jill Stein's bid to recount votes in Pennsylvania was in trouble even before a federal judge shot it down Dec. 12. That's because the Green Party candidate's effort stood almost no chance of detecting potential fraud or error in the vote - there was basically nothing to recount. Pennsylvania is one of 11 states where the majority of voters use antiquated machines that store votes electronically, without printed ballots or other paper-based backups that could be used to double-check the balloting.

Recounts or no, U.S. elections are still vulnerable to hacking

Jill Stein's bid to recount votes in Pennsylvania was in trouble even before a federal judge shot it down Dec. 12. That's because the Green Party candidate's effort stood almost no chance of detecting potential fraud or error in the vote - there was basically nothing to recount. Pennsylvania is one of 11 states where the majority of voters use antiquated machines that store votes electronically, without printed ballots or other paper-based backups that could be used to double-check the balloting.