President Donald Trump prays during a cabinet meeting at the White House in 2017.

"The Trump Prophecy," a movie that follows a retired Florida firefighter as God tells him in 2011 that Trump will be president , is making its big screen debut across the United States this week. Liberty University and ReelWorks Studios in Charlotte, North Carolina, produced the film, and it's playing in about 1,200 theaters countrywide, according to a Liberty University news release.

Liberty University Trains Junior Air Force Cadets to Meet National…

This summer, 54 high school students in the U.S. Air Force Junior Reserve Officer's Training Corps are training to become pilots at Liberty University. The training is part of a nationwide, $2.4 million USAF effort to address the pilot shortage and to increase diversity in the aviation industry.

Famous politicos giving commencement speeches this year

President Donald Trump told Liberty University graduates that Americans worship God, not government, and to "relish the opportunity to be an outsider." Hillary Clinton compared Trump to Richard Nixon in a fiery speech at Wellesley College.

Republicans and conservatives defending Trump on Charlottesville are morally bankrupt

The affront that is the Trump presidency is a violation of everything I learned about morality and reverence for the Constitution and the presidency - from Republicans. The party that spent my entire life lecturing liberals and Democrats on the finer points of being an upstanding American and upholding the honor and dignity of the presidency can't speak with a clear, unified voice when it comes to President Trump.

Prominent US religious conservatives defend Trump after Charlottesville

Two prominent religious conservatives defended U.S. President Donald Trump on Sunday after he was widely criticized for blaming both white nationalists and counter-protesters for last weekend's violence at a Virginia rally organised by neo-Nazis and white supremacists. FILE PHOTO: U.S. President Donald Trump responds to a reporter's question after signing a memorandum at the White House in Washington, U.S. on August 14, 2017.

Prominent U.S. religious conservatives defend Trump after Charlottesville

Two prominent religious conservatives defended U.S. President Donald Trump on Sunday after he was widely criticized for blaming both white nationalists and counter-protesters for last weekend's violence at a Virginia rally organized by neo-Nazis and white supremacists. Evangelical Christian Jerry Falwell Jr said Trump could be more polished and politically correct but is not racist.

Falwell Jr.: Trump had ‘inside information’ about how…

When ABC asked the White House for an official to appear on air, the White House pointed them to Falwell Jr. President Donald Trump gestures as he stands with Liberty University president, Jerry Falwell Jr., right, during commencement ceremonies at the school in Lynchburg, Va., Saturday, May 13, 2017.

Evangelical advisers stay with Trump as others criticize him

One of President Donald Trump's most steadfast constituencies has been standing by him amid his defense of a white nationalist rally in Virginia, even as business leaders, artists and Republicans turn away. Only one of Trump's evangelical advisers has quit the role, while presidential boards in other fields saw multiple defections before being dismantled.

Trump Invokes Patriotism, Unity After Anti-Media Tweetstorm

President Donald Trump delivered a campaign-style speech heavy with patriotic themes and support for American troops on Saturday night, and didn't spare the news media from another dose of the criticism dished out earlier in the day on social media. "The fake news media is trying to silence us, but we will not let them, because the people know the truth," the president said in a speech to the "Celebrate Freedom" event at Washington's Kennedy Center.

Trump Invokes Patriotism and Unity After Day of Twitter Outbursts

President Donald Trump returned to the relatively calm waters of patriotism and supporting American troops in a speech on Saturday night that followed several outbursts against the media and others on social media earlier in the day. "I want you to know that we will always keep our promises to those who have kept us free," the president said in remarks prepared for delivery at a "Celebrate Freedom" event at the Kennedy Center.

Trump defends sharing ‘facts’ with Russians amid reports Israel provideda Read Story Usa Today

U.S. President Donald Trump delivers keynote address during the commencement at Liberty University May 13, 2017 in Lynchburg, Virginia. WASHINGTON President Trump on Tuesday defended his right to share "facts" about terrorism and airline safety with top Russian diplomats, amid reports that Israel supplied the once-secret information at the heart of the latest furor to engulf the White House.

Stature at Liberty

When President Trump chose the college to deliver his first commencement address, he couldn't have picked a better one than Liberty University. And I'm not just saying that as LU alum! The message he delivered with that decision was just as important as the one he delivered at the podium.

Interviews well underway for new FBI director

President Donald Trump said Saturday that "we can make a fast decision" on a new FBI director, possibly by late next week, before he leaves on his first foreign trip since taking office. WASHINGTON - Eight candidates for FBI director were interviewed at Justice Department headquarters Saturday as President Donald Trump suggested a decision on a nominee to replace ousted Director James Comey could be announced within days.

Trump sees ‘fast’ decision over new FBI director

President Donald Trump said Saturday he would act quickly to appoint a new FBI director following his controversial dismissal earlier this week of James Comey - a move that was still reverberating around Washington. Trump's administration - embroiled in a deepening crisis over the sacking and its shifting explanation of events - is interviewing the first candidates for the post on Saturday, US media reported.

At Liberty, Trump Calls Critics ‘Pathetic,’ Praises Putting ‘Faith Into Action’

For his first commencement speech as president, Donald Trump went back to a place that was once key to his efforts as a candidate to shore up support among the Republican base. Standing before tens of thousands of members of the Class of 2017 and their families at Liberty University's open-air stadium in Lynchburg, Va., Trump thanked the crowd for helping him achieve the presidency.

Trump says a fast decisiona possible on new FBI director

President Donald Trump said Saturday that "we can make a fast decision" on a new FBI director, possibly by late next week, before he leaves on his first foreign trip since taking office. "Even that is possible," Trump told reporters when asked whether he could announce his nominee by Friday, when he is scheduled to leave for the Mideast and Europe.