The high stakes of the Comey controversy

President Donald Trump's firing of FBI Director James Comey has uncoiled a whole administration's worth of shocks, contradictions and blockbuster moments. Those shocks will continue to reverberate next week and beyond because the issues involved are fundamental to American democracy, challenging the credibility of the White House and the vital legal institutions that sustain government.

Trump Delivers Commencement Address At Liberty U [VIDEO]

President Donald Trump received a standing ovation for his commencement address at Liberty University on Saturday after he told graduates, "as long as youhave faith in your God, then you will not fail." The President began his speech by blasting "pathetic" critics, hinting at his own ascent the presidency, and went on to talk about his executive order on religious freedom before giving graduates a strong piece of advice: "never, ever give up."

Trump Says It’s Possible He Could Pick FBI Head by Next Week

President Donald Trump said Saturday that "we can make a fast decision" on a new FBI director, possibly by late next week, before he leaves on his first foreign trip since taking office. "Even that is possible," he told reporters when asked whether he could announce his nominee by Friday, when he is scheduled to leave for the Mideast and Europe.

Senate Democrats seek answers about a Trump higher ed task force

Betsy DeVos greets Sen. Patty Murray before her confirmation hearing on Jan. 17. DeVos took office as education secretary on Feb. 7. Senate Democrats are asking Education Secretary Betsy DeVos for details on a higher education task force that the president of Liberty University says the Trump administration has asked him to lead. In a letter to DeVos released Thursday, six lawmakers said they are concerned that there has been no public explanation by the president or the administration about the purview of the task force.

Trump vows to end prohibition on church political activity

U.S. President Donald Trump and his Senior advisor and son-in-law Jared Kushner arrive at the Oval Office of the White House after attending the National Prayer Breakfast event in Washington, U.S., February 2, 2017. U.S. President Donald Trump arrives to deliver remarks at the National Prayer Breakfast in Washington, U.S., February 2, 2017.

How Christian conservatives got back in the political game

US Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump found a receptive audience at Liberty University in Lynchburg, Virginia on January 18, 2016 The demise of the Christian right has been prophesied on numerous occasions, but it's never come to pass. Far from it: with the Trump administration taking shape, the movement is prepared to take power and exert influence at the top of government as never before.

After Trump, an evangelical examination of conscience?

In this Sunday, Jan. 31, 2016 file photo, Jerry Falwell, Jr., left, president of Liberty University, guides Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump to his seat during a campaign event at the Orpheum Theatre in Sioux City, Iowa. Trump's candidacy has put a harsh spotlight on the fractures among Christian conservatives, most prominently the rift between old guard religious right leaders who backed the GOP nominee as an ally on abortion, and a comparatively younger generation who considered his personal conduct and rhetoric morally abhorrent.

Pence says he believes Trump’s denial of gropinga

Pence says he believes Trump's denial of groping allegations At least 5 women have publicly accused Trump of aggressive sexual advances Check out this story on Donald Trump told supporters Thursday in Ohio the accusations were "false claims," and said that media has "slandered and lied about me with false accusations." The Republican vice presidential candidate, Indiana Gov. Mike Pence, spoke Wednesday, Oct. 12, 2016, at Liberty University in Lynchburg, Va.

Why do evangelicals prefer Donald Trump to Hillary Clinton?

Tiny cracks have appeared in evangelical support for Donald Trump over the video of his sexually predatory comments about women. Among those reversing course was well-known theologian Wayne Grudem, whose endorsement was widely cited by other Christians backing the Republican presidential nominee.

Why Trump Chickened Out

The Post story, " In Brazil's political crisis, a powerful new force: Evangelical Christians ," is an amazing account from a liberal perspective of how Christian conservatives are taking back their country. One leading critic of the ruling Workers Party in Brazil said, "We saw that communism was in their DNA."