Doug Ford: Following the historical line of the chemical industry

Two years ago in my last column for the year, I wrote about Tu YouYou, the Chinese woman scientist who was until 2011 unknown even in China for her work that saved many millions of lives after she found an effective treatment for malaria. I found her story particularly interesting because of a coincidental connection with my late wife, Oralie.

His struggle continues, his hope kindled

… from kidney failure can still lead positive lives. The support group meetings, which help members manage their health as effectively as possible, buoy his spirits despite ongoing setbacks, he said. During the December 2015 interview, the Meridian, …

Bird Flu Crisis on the Wane

… are therefore not counted as new suspected cases, according to the guidelines of the World Organization for Animal Health (OIE). Meanwhile, several wild birds infected with bird flu have been found in North Gyeongsang Province, and the first case of …

Successful psoriasis treatment

Americans spend over $71 billion a year on lottery tickets – and scratch-off games are a huge favorite. But that’s nothing compared with the $112 billion that’s spent annually to deal with the itchy skin condition psoriasis and its associated health problems, such as arthritis, depression and cardiovascular disease.

Exelixis Inc. (EXEL) Stake Raised by Swiss National Bank

Swiss National Bank increased its position in shares of Exelixis Inc. by 1.5% during the third quarter, according to its most recent Form 13F filing with the Securities and Exchange Commission . The fund owned 367,300 shares of the biotechnology company’s stock after buying an additional 5,600 shares during the period.

Flu cases on the rise in Jackson County

Flu cases are on the rise in Jackson County, and health experts are advising residents to take precautions to avoid spreading the illness. Jackson County Public Health reports the cases of influenza-like illnesses in the county are higher than the state-wide average.

DIY Cedarwood and Rosemary Shampoo

… to build and maintain your own holistic beauty salon business. We offer a wide range of comprehensive holistic health courses at affordable prices. Take a minute to read our FAQ and our Testimonials – you’ll be glad you did! The Alternative Healing …

With Trumpa s victory, Republicans hope to overhaul Medicaid

In this file photo, House Ways and Means Committee Chairman Rep. Paul Ryan, R-Wis., left, joined by Rep. Tom Price, R-Ga., heads to a meeting of House Republicans on Capitol Hill in Washington. When President-elect Donald Trump takes office in January, Republicans will have the opportunity to do something they have desired for years – overhaul Medicaid, the program that provides health care to millions of lower-income and disabled Americans.

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… by women, by people with a history of neurologic problems, such as seizures, and by people with a history of mental health problems. “What is known from large studies of Takotsubo is that 90 percent of cases are in women,” Campbell said, adding that …

With Trump’s victory, GOP hopes to overhaul Medicaid

When President-elect Donald Trump takes office in January, Republicans will have the opportunity to pull off something they have wanted to do for years – overhaul Medicaid, the program that provides health care to tens of millions of lower-income and disabled Americans. Any changes to the $500 billion-plus program hold enormous consequences not only for recipients but also for the states, which share in the cost.

McKay awarded Dementia Care Professional of the Year

The Alzheimer’s Foundation of America and Dementia Care Professionals of America have awarded Heather McKay, Tuscola class of 1994, with the Dementia Care Professional of the Year Award. McKay works for Hospice and Palliative Care Center of Alamance in Burlington and also has a private practice, Partnerships for Health.

Why More Women Get These Diseases Than Men

Nearly 80% of people who suffer from autoimmune diseases are women, and why that’s the case has long been a medical mystery. But new research suggests the answer may have to do with differences between men’s and women’s genes – a discovery that could pave the way for better diagnostic methods and treatments in the future.

Sanders will lead Democratic drive to organize rallies in every state against Medicare/Medicaid cuts

Donald Trump has won the presidency after narrowly carrying a few states to put him above 270 electoral votes.But according… Senate Republicans refused to give President Obama’s pick to replace Supreme Court Justice Scalia even the courtesy of a… Bernie Sanders doing the Democratic Party job of persuading congressional colleagues to help organize nationwide pre-inaugural protest rallies over potential cuts in Medicare and Medicaid, as well as other health matters Republicans are likely to take up in Congress come January.

Following Trump’s Victory, GOP Hopes to Overhaul Medicaid

In this August 1, 2013, file photo, Republican congressmen Paul Ryan and Tom Price talk before a committee hearing on Capitol Hill. Now House Speaker and President-elect Donald Trump’s pick for secretary of health and human services want to overhaul Medicaid by sending a fixed amount of money each year to U.S. states.

CMS Issues Alert Updating and Clarifying Mandatory Reporting…

On December 12, 2016, CMS issued a Technical Alert that announced a change in reporting requirements for several different types of settlements with total payment obligation to claimant dates on or after January 1, 2017 and no ongoing responsibility for medicals . In the Technical Alert, CMS lowered the mandatory reporting threshold for all liability insurance settlements, including mass tort settlements , from $1000 to $750.

A Brand-New Smile Is in Reach for Wilmington Residents

With its location in Exton, and three other locations in Eastern Pennsylvania, residents of Wilmington, DE, have more affordable dental options close to home. The satisfaction of our patients has allowed us to expand our practice to continue to offer affordable treatment to more and more people that might otherwise be unable to afford it.

Study: Free Market Solutions Should Replace Obamacare

Republicans vow to repeal the Affordable Care Act once Donald Trump is in the White House. The question becomes, what will replace it? “You can do all the things that Obamacare claims to do – cover people with pre-existing conditions, cover the uninsured – but does it in a way that puts patients and consumers in charge of their own healthcare dollars instead of the government or insurance companies.”

13,500 turkeys culled after bird flu found on German farm

Another 13,500 turkeys have been culled after a suspected case of bird flu was found on another farm in the major German poultry-producing region of Lower Saxony, authorities said on Thursday. HAMBURG: Another 13,500 turkeys have been culled after a suspected case of bird flu was found on another farm in the major German poultry-producing region of Lower Saxony, authorities said on Thursday .