Do political party conventions matter in Minnesota?

It's a reasonable question when candidates ignore the major business of the conventions - the endorsements - and just move on to the primary. That's happening this year in the race for Minnesota governor for both major parties.

5 DFL Candidates Race to Lock Up Delegate Endorsement

The race for the open seat in Minnesota's 5th Congressional district stops at a schoolhouse in South Minneapolis where the Democratic-Farmer-Labor party will gather Sunday to endorse a candidate. The 5 DFL candidates in the race include Jamal Abdi Abdulahi, Frank Nelson Drake, Margaret Anderson Kelliher, Ilhan Omar, and Patricia Torres Ray, after Bobby Joe Champion dropped out Monday.

Nation’s 1st Somali-American lawmaker eyes seat in Congress Source: AP

Ilhan Omar escaped her war-torn homeland of Somalia as a child and grew up in a Kenyan refugee camp before immigrating to the United States as a preteen. She learned English by watching American television.

With Vow to Fight for Workers and Against Corporate Monopolies, Keith Ellison to Run for Minnesota AG

Rep. Keith Ellison holds a town hall meeting at the Church of the New Covenant-Baptist on December 22, 2016 in Detroit, Michigan. Vowing to take on corporate monopolies, fight for the rights of workers, and hold the powerful to account just as he did for over a decade in Congress, Rep. Keith Ellison announced on Tuesday that he is running for attorney general of Minnesota.

U.S. appeals ruling that Trump could not block Twitter followers

Crowd cheers when valedictorian quotes Trump. Then reveals it was Obama - Ben Bowling graduation speech Courtesy of Ben Bowling - Bell County high school student and valedictorian Ben Bowling wanted to share some words of wisdom with his graduating class, but there was a twist that no one saw coming.

Ellison Wants Answers About White Supremacists in the Military

Rep. Keith Ellison, D-Minn., requested that Defense Secretary James Mattis release information the military has on service members' ties to white supremacist groups. The Minnesota Democrat sent a letter to Defense Secretary James Mattis last week asking about "steps currently being taken to screen recruits for extremist ties," Military Times reported.

Muslim lawmakers call on senators to oppose Pompeo

Democratic Reps. Keith Ellison and Andr Carson are calling on Senate Foreign Relations Committee leaders to oppose the confirmation of Mike Pompeo as Secretary of State, citing his "history of anti-Muslim sentiment and discrimination."

OnPolitics Today: ‘It’s chaos’: Democrats crow as Paul Ryan retires

Peace out, Paul Ryan: The Republican House speaker announced Wednesday that he won't run for re-election, retiring from Congress in January after 20 years in Washington. A flood of questions followed: What's that mean for the party? Who will replace him? And what's it say about the fall's midterm elections? "They're not going to declare defeat, but it's not a good sign," said Rep. Keith Ellison, a Democrat and deputy chair of his party's national committee.

Mick Mulvaney takes heat over frosted glass on office windows

Acting consumer protection chief Mick Mulvaney on Wednesday defended the decision to put frosted glass on his office at the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau against accusations that it sent the wrong message about transparency. Rep. Keith Ellison , Minnesota Democrat, confronted Mr. Mulvaney , a former member of Congress who is now the White House budget chief and the acting consumer chief, about the office during a hearing on Capitol Hill.

Juan Williams Plays ‘But Trump!’ Three Times in Excusing…

On the Friday overnight edition of Fox News @Night , Juan Williams disingenuously made three attempts to create a false equivalence between Congressional Black Caucus leaders' political and physical embraces of National of Islam leader Louis Farrakhan and Donald Trump's non-existent relationship with the KKK. Host Shannon Bream and the Daily Caller's Vince Coglianese weren't having any of it, but Williams wouldn't let go.

CNN’s Bizarre Blackout On Democrats’ Farrakhan Scandal

CNN has refused to inform their audience of a growing scandal tying prominent Democrats to Nation of Islam leader Louis Farrakhan CNN has refused to inform its audience of a growing scandal tying prominent Democratic politicians and activists to Nation of Islam leader Louis Farrakhan, a notorious racist and anti-Semite. At least eight Democrats are known to have met with Farrakhan , who routinely calls Jews "satanic" and has said that white people "deserve to die."

Democrats delay superdelegates battle

Democrats will keep fighting over "superdelegates" -- a leading symbol of the divisions left over from the 2016 presidential race -- for at least five more months. Democratic National Committee members voted Saturday to accept a recommendation to "revise the role and reduce the perceived influence" of superdelegates.

RNC: Keith Ellisona s Association with Louis Farrakhan a a Stain on Democratic Partya

The Republican National Committee is demanding that Democratic National Committee chairman Tom Perez address DNC deputy chairman Keith Ellison's decades-long association with infamous anti-Semite Louis Farrakhan. "Keith Ellison's long pattern of lies about his ongoing relationship with Louis Farrakhan, who the Anti-Defamation League calls 'America's leading anti-Semite,' has put a stain on the Democrat Party," RNC Chairwoman Ronna Romney McDaniel said in a statement .