Airborne 07.01.16: Schumer Wants Ramp Checks, Cessna App, UAVs v Model Aircraft

During a media event in Farmingdale, New York on Monday, Senator Charles Schumer called on the FAA to step up ramp checks of small airplanes, which he says might prevent accidents. According to the Senator, the number of ramp checks on GA aircraft in New York has fallen over the past 10 years.

Risk of suicide if autistic man accused of hacking extradited to US, court told

An autistic man accused of hacking into US government computers would be at "high risk" of killing himself if he is extradited to America, a court heard. Lauri Love, who has Asperger's Syndrome, is accused of stealing huge amounts of data from US agencies including the Federal Reserve, the Department of Defence, Nasa and the FBI.

The Latest: Sen. Nelson hopes VW settlement is deterrent

The Latest on the settlement of environmental and consumer claims against Volkswagen over its emissions-cheating scandal : A U.S. senator who is on a committee that investigated the Volkswagen emissions cheating scandal says the scheme was one of the most egregious examples of corporate fraud in recent history. Sen. Bill Nelson, D-Fla., says the settlement is a victory for consumers and should serve as a deterrent to others "who seek to intentionally deceive the public."

House Speaker Ryan proposes simpler tax code

House Republicans led by Speaker Paul Ryan unveiled a plan for a simpler tax code, the sixth and last installment of a GOP agenda designed to be a policy counterpoint to the personality-driven campaign of Donald Trump. Ryan and other Republicans announced the plan at a news conference Friday morning.

EU wants to give rights to robots with machines allowed to trade money

Female hiker banned from ALL national parks after defacing rock formations with idiotic graffiti and then boasting of her crimes on Instagram College student recalls how he was brutally beaten with boat paddles, urinated on and branded during horrific hazing ritual in new documentary exposing a very dark side of fraternities Who are the mysterious 'men in black'? Police ask for help to find individuals who have been spooking Iowa town for weeks amid fears it is more than a sinister prank 'It doesn't appear I'm going to be the nominee': Bernie Sanders plans 'where we go from here' rally tomorrow in New York City Pictured: Father and three children missing on a yacht off Florida after Coast Guard found six life jackets and a tarp close to where they made last Mayday call Prince is NOT the father of man serving time in prison according to DNA results that bar the convicted felon from ... (more)

Did the State Department Disable Its Own Email Security To Accommodate Hillary Clinton?

Earlier today, the AP ran a story seemed to blow a hole in Hillary Clinton's entire email defense. One of Hillary Clinton's central defenses in the slow moving Chernobyl that is the investigation into her misuse of private email to send top secret information is that her server was never breached.

Emails: Key security features disabled on Clinton’s server

In this March 12, 2012 file photo, then-Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton checks her mobile phone after her address to the Security Council at United Nations headquarters. Newly released emails show State Department staffers wrestled in December 2010 over a serious technical problem with then-Secretary of State Hillary Clinton's home email server.

Lone Hacker’ Posts Campaign Documents Purportedly Stolen From DNC

A document posted online by a self-styled 'lone hacker' included a purported May 2015 DNC strategy document on dealing with the GOP presidential candidates. Documents posted on the Internet Wednesday by a self-described "lone hacker" were presented as examples of some of the material hacked from the Democratic National Committee's computer systems, including opposition research on Donald Trump, suggested campaign talking points for Hillary Clinton, and strategies for confronting Republican candidates.

Russian hackers breach DNC computers, steal data on Trump

Russian hackers managed to breach the computer network of the Democratic National Committee and stole opposition research on Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump. The hackers had access to email and chat traffic as far back as last summer, the Washington Post reported on Tuesday.

Russian groups accused of hacking Democratic computers, seeking research on Trump

To continue reading up to 10 premium articles, you must register , or sign up and take advantage of this exclusive offer: Washington - Hackers affiliated with the Russian government have been tapping into the files of the Democratic National Committee for nearly a year, targeting in particular the party's opposition research about Donald Trump, officials say. DNC officials on Tuesday confirmed the break-in, which was first reported by The Washington Post.

U.S. Defense and Oceanographic Luminaries Join the Liquid Robotics Strategic Advisory Board

Liquid Robotics , the leader in long-duration, unmanned ocean robots announced the addition of three industry luminaries to their Strategic Advisory Board . The new members will be joining an existing advisory board comprised of eighteen industry experts across the Defense, Foreign Affairs, Communications/Technology, and Science industries.

Kids on the menu! Baby goat is heading to a supermarket near you…

Pictured: The gunman who walked up to The Voice star Christina Grimmie as she signed autographs after concert and shot her dead Oklahoma teen, 17, dies after his eight-foot-deep sand tunnel collapses on top of him at the beach while on vacation in Florida 'The end': Fan outrage at poor taste tweet shared on the Voice star Christina Grimmie's Twitter just hours after she was shot dead in Florida 'It is a disgrace that Google would do that' Trump takes aim at search engine over claims it fixed results to help Hillary Clinton Charlotte's first royal wave: Princess is pretty in pink as she makes her Buckingham Palace balcony debut alongside brother George during Queen Elizabeth's official 90th birthday celebrations The Queen of pearls: Of all the dazzling jewellery she owns, a pair of pearl earrings, given to her by her beloved grandmother are the Queen's favourite Right Royal recycling! ... (more)