Kevin McCarthy hits out at claims GOP isn’t forthcoming about tax…

House Majority Leader Kevin McCarthy called criticisms that Republicans haven't been forthcoming with their tax reform plans a "Democratic talking point" that isn't true. McCarthy said Sunday on Fox News Republicans have been talking about what they want in a tax reform plan, including doubling the standard deduction and lowering the corporate tax rate to near 20 percent, for years.

House to vote on non-nuclear Iran sanctions this week

The U.S. House of Representatives will vote next week on new sanctions on Iran's ballistic missile program and on Lebanon's Iran-backed Hezbollah militia, senior House Republicans said, seeking to take a tough line against Iran without immediately moving to undermine the international nuclear deal. "It is Congress' responsibility to work with the executive branch on a clear-eyed strategy to stop Iran's reckless behavior," Majority Leader Kevin McCarthy, the number two House Republican, and Representative Ed Royce, chairman of the House Foreign Affairs Committee, said in a joint statement.

Trump’s Strategy For Toughening Iran Deal Faces Uncertain Future In Congress

U.S. President Donald Trump's call for legislation aimed at toughening the Iran nuclear deal faces an uncertain future in Congress even as leading Republican senators stepped forward to champion the cause. "I am directing my administration to work closely with Congress and our allies to address the deal's many serious flaws so that the Iranian regime can never threaten the world with nuclear weapons," Trump said as he announced steps to try to rein in what he described as Iran's "rogue" activities in the Middle East.

Pence tours California, raises funds for House Republicans

Vice President Mike Pence traveled up California on Monday to raise money for endangered Republican congressional candidates and tout the Trump administration's proposal for cutting taxes. It was the first visit to the heavily Democratic state by a member of the Trump-Pence ticket since the November election, when Democrat Hillary Clinton won the state by more than 4 million votes.

GOP Dives Into Tax Reform With Key Questions Unresolved

House Speaker Paul Ryan, joined by Majority Leader Kevin McCarthy, speaks following a closed-door Republican strategy session at Republican National Committee headquarters on Capitol Hill on Tuesday. Having spent years setting the stage for an ambitious bill, Republican tax writers are finally ready to go public with a plan-even as they face a minefield of competing interest groups and unresolved differences within their own party.

House Speaker Paul Ryan of Wis., center, speaks with House Majority…

House Speaker Paul Ryan of Wis., center, speaks with House Majority Leader Kevin McCarthy of Calif., left, as they arrive for a news conference following a GOP caucus meeting on Capitol Hill, Wednesday, Sept. 13, 2017, in Washington.

Republican leaders ‘shell-shocked’ following Trump deal

President Donald Trump surprised the leaders of his own party in Congress on Wednesday when he backed a deal pushed by Democrats to attach hurricane relief money to a shorter-term bump in the debt ceiling as well as keeping the government open, cutting off his own Treasury secretary to strike a deal. The decision was one of the most fascinating and mysterious moves he's made with Congress during eight months in office.

GOP Leadership Silent on Bannon’s Departure

House Speaker Paul Ryan, left, and Majority Leader Kevin McCarthy, right, often avoid addressing controversy surrounding the presidency of Donald Trump. Almost two hours after news broke Friday that President Donald Trump decided to part ways with White House chief strategist Steve Bannon, House Majority Leader Kevin McCarthy - at least at that moment - had another topic on his mind.

House Speaker Paul Ryan says he’s willing to bring the Senate GOP’s bill to conference

House Speaker Paul Ryan said he's willing to take Senate Republicans'"skinnier" attempt at repealing certain parts of the Affordable Care Act to conference. If moving forward requires a conference committee, that is something the House is willing to do," he said in a statement on Thursday.

Russia sanctions bill hits another snag in the U.S. as EU raises concerns over impact on investments

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Trump open to signing Russia sanctions legislation

Congressional Democrats said on Saturday they had agreed with Republicans on a deal allowing new sanctions targeting Russia, Iran and North Korea in a bill that would limit any potential effort by Trump to try to lift sanctions against Moscow. A White House official said the administration's view of the legislation evolved after changes were made, including the addition of sanctions on North Korea.

Trumpa s cuts could see hungry kids in vulnerable California GOP districts

In this May 23, 2017, photo, Budget Director Mick Mulvaney holds up a copy of President Donald Trump's proposed fiscal 2018 federal budget as he speaks to members of the media in the Press Briefing Room of the White House in Washington. Trump's $4.1 trillion plan for the budget year beginning Oct. 1 generally proposes deep cuts in safety net programs, including the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program, or SNAP, commonly known as food stamps.

Trump on Kremlin Payroll: GOP stampedes to escape

Regarding the just reported statement by Trump's close ally, House Majority Leader Kevin McCarthy, which was first denied and then, when the audio came out, explained as a joke, let me cite journalist Michael Kinsey: In today's political landscape, the most common way of explaining away a true statement that wasn't supposed to be said or heard is to call it a joke. For instance, when Trump, with all sincerity, asked Russia to intervene in the election, he later explained he was joking The McCarthy quip, which he denied saying, is now being described as a joke, was reported by the Washinton Post, which had obtained copies of the audio.

Trump Administration on verge of collapse? Check out Mark Levin

Leading conservative commentator Mark Levin says that the Trump Administration is within a few steps of " being destroyed ." And no wonder, with Republicans and even members of Trump's own White House staff running from him like scalded dogs.

Putin paid Trump? Republicans think McCarthya s statement has to be a joke.

The Post's Adam Entous discusses a 2016 conversation between GOP leaders in which House Majority Leader Kevin McCarthy made an explosive claim about Donald Trump. Rep. Kevin McCarthy's Republican colleagues were ready Wednesday to accept the House majority leader's explanation that he was joking in his private comments last year suggesting that then-candidate Donald Trump was being paid by Russian President Vladimir Putin.