Nikki Haley on Trump accusers: Women who accuse anyone ‘should be…

Donald Trump, Roy Moore, and the Degradation of the G.O.P. - In less than a year, the President, with help from the Alabama Senate candidate, has so damaged the Party that it may never recover. - When Sarah Huckabee Sanders, the White House spokeswoman, was explaining last week Alabama Sen. Shelby: 'I couldn't vote for Roy Moore' - STORY HIGHLIGHTS - Washington Sen. Richard Shelby says he wants a Republican elected to the Senate on Tuesday to represent Alabama, but that he didn't vote for GOP candidate Roy Moore in the special election.

Democrat: Trump Jr. avoids questions about talks with father

Rep. Jackie Speier, D-Calif., a member of the House Intelligence Committee, heads to a closed-door session with the president's oldest son, Donald Trump Jr., on Capitol Hill in Washington, Wednesday, Dec. 6, 2017. Rep. Trey Gowdy, R-S.C., a member of the House Intelligence Committee, heads to a closed-door session with the president's oldest son, Donald Trump Jr., on Capitol Hill in Washington, Wednesday, Dec. 6, 2017.

Rep. Schiff: Trump Jr. avoided questions about talks with father

Donald Trump Jr. refused to tell lawmakers about conversations he had with his father regarding a 2016 Trump Tower meeting with a Russian lawyer after emails detailing the meeting had become public, according to the top Democrat on the House intelligence committee. Speaking to the committee behind closed doors on Wednesday as part of its investigation into Russian meddling in the 2016 election, Trump Jr. said he didn't tell the president about the meeting between Trump campaign officials and Russians when it happened and he declined to elaborate on what he ultimately told him after the meeting became public.

Hannity Bombshell: Trump-Hating Fbi Agent Fired From Mueller Probe Interviewed General Flynn

In yet another stunning twist to the 'Trump-Russia,' witch hunt, Fox News host Sean Hannity and Circa News reporter Sara A. Carter have teamed up to reveal that Trump-hating FBI agent Peter Strzok interviewed former National Security advisor Michael Flynn. As The Gateway Pundit reported , Strzok was fired from Mueller's investigation after reports surfaced that he exchanged 'anti-Trump,' text messages with Lisa Page, a lawyer for FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe.

Sean Hannity’s long-standing defense of sexual abusers

Fox News host Sean Hannity has become a reliable ally for powerful men accused of sexual assault and harassment, regularly using his platform to discredit women who report sexual misconduct and cast doubt on their complaints. Here is a look back on the ways Hannity has attempted to undermine these women and defend the men who have been reported.

Roy Moore Transforms GOP to ‘Grand Old Pedophiles’

As prime time began on cable news television Tuesday night, neither Chris Hayes nor John Berman buried the lead of the top story. "Today, the president of the United States effectively endorsed an accused child molester for U.S. Senate," Hayes began, on All In on MSNBC.

Silence from Trump as Moore-Alabama storm grows louder

President Donald Trump dodged questions about the turmoil in the Alabama Senate race on Wednesday, declining to join national Republicans who've called for Roy Moore to abandon the race amid allegations of sexual impropriety with teenage girls. Far from surrendering, Moore's camp challenged the credibility of one of the accusers.

Keurig says it regrets taking sides, but does not reinstate advertising on Hannity

Some fans of the talk show host Sean Hannity posted videos of themselves destroying Keurig coffeemakers and started the social-media hashtag #boycottKeurig after the company announced on Twitter "It's wise to do nothing that alienates a lot of people from buying their products," said Charles Taylor, professor of marketing at Villanova University near Philadelphia, Pa. "It's pretty smart to stay out of the fray."

Trump deflects on whether Roy Moore should quit Senate race

President Donald Trump on Saturday deflected questions about whether Alabama Republican Senate candidate Roy Moore should drop out of the race because of sexual misconduct allegations against him. Trump, who has been traveling in Asia, said he's been too busy reading documents and hasn't had time to catch up on television news coverage about Moore.

Calling the intellectual right

The current state of conservatism is bleak. With Donald Trump dragging the GOP into an abyss bearing the lowest approval numbers a president has had in any first year, a series of racist attacks in the name of conservatism, and cable news going the way of MSNBC, there appears to be a political natural disaster ready to take a final blow at the Republicans; and it's Typhoon Trump.

Republicans are asking a horrific question: Is our president insane?

On his 92nd birthday, March 8, 1933, retired Supreme Court Justice Oliver Wendell Holmes was paid a surprise visit by the newly inaugurated president, Franklin Delano Roosevelt. The two men chatted for half an hour and, after Roosevelt departed, a young clerk asked Holmes what he thought of the new man in the White House.

Spicer’s leaving White House, not necessarily TV screens

He won't be behind a podium at the White House, but it's unlikely Sean Spicer will disappear from television. Spicer quit as White House press secretary Friday, ushered out with the wish that "I hope he goes on to make a tremendous amount of money" from Anthony Scaramucci, President Donald Trump's new communications director.

Trump Jr., Manafort consider private interview with senators

Sen. Joe Manchin, D-W.Va., center, a member of the Senate Intelligence Committee, leaves after a closed-door meeting of that panel on Capitol Hill in Washington, Thursday, July 20, 2017. The Senate intelligence committee has scheduled perhaps the most high-profile testimony involving the Russian meddling probes since former FBI Director James Comey appeared in June.

Sean Spicer unlikely to disappear from television

He won't be behind a podium at the White House , but it's unlikely Sean Spicer will disappear from television. Spicer quit as White House press secretary Friday, ushered out with the wish that "I hope he goes on to make a tremendous amount of money" from Anthony Scaramucci, President Donald Trump 's new communications director.

Fox News retracted a controversial story on DNC staffer Seth…

The story of the murdered Democratic National Committee staffer Seth Rich captured the conservative media zeitgeist anew this month, thanks in part to news coverage from a Washington, DC, Fox affiliate and heavy rotation on the Fox News Channel by way of host, Sean Hannity. Critics have excoriated Hannity over his days-long cable-news deliberation on Rich's murder, which he continued despite calls for him to retract the story.

New York Times writers shut down Sean Hannity’s wild ‘fake news’ Twitter rant

On Saturday, Fox News host and perennial Donald Trump booster Sean Hannity had an angry meltdown on Twitter when the New York Times suggested that he and the president speak regularly about policy issues and Trump's media presentation. According to, he got more than he bargained for when Times staff jumped into to reply to his comments accusing them of "colluding" with Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton during the 2016 campaign.