BP offers glimpse at gains from U.S. tax code

British energy company BP said Tuesday its after-tax earnings from the United States would be supported by the 14 percent cut in the corporate tax rate. The British energy company said its after-tax earnings would be supported by a provision in the U.S. corporate tax overhaul, which dropped from 35 percent to 21 percent as of Jan. 1. "The ultimate impact of the change in the U.S. corporate income tax rate is subject to a number of complex provisions in the legislation which BP is reviewing," the company said in a statement .

Secretary Zinke Signs Order to Begin Process of Creating First Ever…

Today, following President Donald J. Trump's executive order to break America's dependence on foreign minerals, U.S. Secretary of the Interior Ryan Zinke signed a secretarial order directing the initial steps to producing the first nationwide geological and topographical survey of the United States in modern history. The order also directs Interior bureaus to begin work on identifying immediate domestic sources for critical minerals.

Tax bill opens Arctic refuge for oil; years of delay may follow

Congress is close to lifting a 40-year-old ban on energy development in Alaska's Arctic National Wildlife Refuge, but drilling for oil in that frozen wilderness may still be years away as the effort faces exhaustive environmental reviews and likely lawsuits. It could be a decade or more before any well is drilled, following required environmental scrutiny and permit reviews-and then the inevitable lawsuits from local communities and environmental groups opposed to any development in that rugged wilderness.

Sen. Collins takes huge leap of faith with tax bill. Critics say she’s getting played

As GOP tax legislation nears final passage on Capitol Hill, Sen. Susan Collins is approaching the moment for a mighty leap of faith. The Maine Republican extracted key concessions in exchange for her support for the bill, including commitments from the Trump administration and Senate leaders to back two pieces of legislation pumping money into the health care system.

Tax bill boosts oil, gas drilling _ and renewable energy

The Republicans' tax package would boost traditional forms of energy such as oil and gas while also supporting renewable energy such as wind and solar power - and even extend a hand to buyers of electric cars. An agreement by House and Senate negotiators would open Alaska's Arctic National Wildlife Refuge to drilling, while preserving tax credits for wind power and other clean energy.

The GOP tax bill is huge for the US oil and gas industry

The GOP tax overhaul passed both chambers of the U.S. Congress, although a lot remains to be done before a bill can reach the President's desk. Still, there are a lot of changes in store for energy, and because much of the discrepancy between the two chambers is focused on some big-ticket tax items-and not energy-we can be reasonably confident about what to expect from the legislation in regard to the energy sector.

Tax hike for cruise industry dropped amid Alaska concerns

The cruise industry has dodged a tax increase after Alaska's U.S. senators helped strike the provision from the tax bill that passed the Senate. The bill approved early Saturday includes other provisions that Alaska Republican Sens. Lisa Murkowski and Dan Sullivan hailed as significant for Alaskans, including allowing oil and gas drilling on the coastal plain of the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge.

Senate tax bill would allow oil drilling in Alaskan wilderness

The Arctic National Wildlife Refuge has been closed to oil exploration since 1980 because of concerns about the impact on the region's caribou, polar bears and other fragile ecosystems. The Arctic National Wildlife Refuge has been closed to oil exploration since 1980 because of concerns about the impact on the region's caribou, polar bears and other fragile ecosystems.

Trump seeks big win as GOP tax measure gains steam

Starved of a significant legislative win for 10 long months since President Donald Trump took office, GOP senators are within touching distance of passing the most sweeping reform of the tax code for 30 years. A final vote on passing the bill, a version of which has already trekked through the House, is expected late on Thursday or Friday -- if the fragile Republican coalition can hold together despite last-minute anxiety over the final shape of the legislation and its long-term political and economic implications.

Sen. Maria Cantwell (D-Wash.) speaks during a Senate Energy and…

From right: Sens. Lisa Murkowski , Maria Cantwell and Bernie Sanders during the confirmation hearing for former Texas Gov. Rick Perry, President-elect Donald Trump's pick for secretary of energy, before the Senate Energy and Natural Resources Committee on Capitol Hill, in Washington, Jan. 19, 2017. From right: Sens. Lisa Murkowski , Maria Cantwell and Bernie Sanders during the confirmation hearing for former Texas Gov. Rick Perry, President-elect Donald Trump's pick for secretary of energy, before the Senate Energy and Natural Resources Committee on Capitol Hill, in Washington, Jan. 19, 2017.

Trump to meet with Senate Republicans ahead of crucial tax votes

President Donald Trump will meet with Senate Republicans on Tuesday ahead of crucial votes in the GOP effort to pass a massive tax cut package, as conservatives move even closer to notching a major legislative victory. The meeting will come during a weekly lunch Republicans hold as they go over their agenda.

Congress debates oil drilling in largest US wildlife refuge

Sometime next April, pregnant cows in the Porcupine Caribou Herd in Canada will take the lead in an annual migration of nearly 200,000 animals north to Alaska. From winter grounds in Canada's Yukon Territory, the caribou traveling in small and large groups will cross rivers and gaps in the mighty Brooks Range on the 400-mile journey.

GOP Inches Closer To Opening ANWR To Drilling

Legislation to open part of the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge to oil and gas exploration advanced out of a Senate committee on Wednesday, largely along party lines. West Virginia Sen. Joe Manchin, a Democrat, joined with GOP lawmakers to pass ANWR legislation in a 13-10 vote.

Kathleen Parker: Republicans, pedophiles and polar bears, oh my

Desperation seems to be driving Republicans this grateful season as they seek to trade polar bears for tax cuts, while fervently praying that former Alabama Supreme Court Chief Justice Roy Moore didn't do what he's alleged to have done, which might give the U.S. Senate another Democratic vote. The race is on to pass tax reform before Dec. 12, when Alabama will select a new senator to fill the seat vacated by Attorney General Jeff Sessions.

Alaska lawmaker sees financial boon in refuge drilling

The sanctuary of the small-town Texas church where a gunman carried out a massacre will be turned into a temporary memorial for the more than two dozen victims. A Marine Corps drill instructor was convicted by a military jury of physically abusing young recruits, sometimes while drunk, and focusing his fury on three Muslim-American military volunteers.

Republicans Are Stuck With Roy Moore. Here’s What Could Happen Next

Alabama Senate candidate Roy Moore has been accused of sexual misconduct with teenagers just one month before a special election fill the seat left open by Attorney General Jeff Sessions. The allegations published by The Washington Post - that Moore initiated sexual contact with four women between the ages of 14 and 18 when he was in his 30s - are explosive.