Collins and Murkowski offer contrast on Kavanaugh vote

Longtime friends and Republican senators Lisa Murkowski and Susan Collins displayed vastly different styles Friday, reaching opposite conclusions on the crucial question of Judge Brett Kavanaugh's nomination to the Supreme Court. Murkowski, in her fourth term representing Alaska, quietly uttered a single word - "no" - as she turned against President Donald Trump's choice for a seat on the high court.

Future of Alaska oil check program weighs on governor’s race Source: AP

Tension over changes to Alaska's famed oil-wealth checks hangs over this year's governor's race, threatening Gov. Bill Walker's chances for re-election. For decades, residents have shared in the state's oil wealth, eagerly anticipating the much-hyped reveal of the annual check's amount and dreaming about how they'd use their portion.

Advancing farm bill stirs worries that Alaskans could lose food stamps benefits

Food security advocates are worried that legislation working its way through Congress could cause thousands of Alaskans, particularly in rural areas, to lose "food stamp" benefits and add an untenable layer of bureaucracy for the already-strapped state government. Congressional leaders are working to find a compromise between House and Senate farm bills before the prior version expires at the end of the month.

Begich, Dunleavy, Hawkins & Treadwell Offer Gubernatorial Campaign Remarks

Your Alaska Link checked in with 2018 gubernatorial candidates Mead Treadwell, Mark Begich, Mike Dunleavy and Scott Hawkins about their campaign run and what they want for the great state of Alaska. As Dunleavy states, "I think it's good for the people of Alaska to have folks in a Primary so they have somebody to choose froma some of the folks that just got in are kind of on the left side of the spectrum, and there's others like myself that are on the right side of the spectrum, so people have an opportunity to chose."

Tax hike for cruise industry dropped amid Alaska concerns

The cruise industry has dodged a tax increase after Alaska's U.S. senators helped strike the provision from the tax bill that passed the Senate. The bill approved early Saturday includes other provisions that Alaska Republican Sens. Lisa Murkowski and Dan Sullivan hailed as significant for Alaskans, including allowing oil and gas drilling on the coastal plain of the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge.

Alaska senators tell Trump they want mountain’s name to stay

U.S. Sen. Dan Sullivan said the Alaska mountain came up during an hourlong meeting he and fellow Republican Sen. Lisa Murkowski had with Trump and Interior Secretary Ryan Zinke in March. Sullivan said during a weekend speech to the Alaska Federation of Natives that Trump asked if the senators thought the name change from Mount McKinley to Denali should be reversed, the Alaska Public Radio Network reported .

An Interview with Alaska Governor Bill Walker

On August 25th, Governor Bill Walker, our second Alaskan born governor, arrived in Seward to spend some personal time here with his wife Donna in celebration of their fortieth wedding anniversary and to take part in the Lost Lake Run benefiting those with cystic fibrosis; a cause that is close their hearts as their daughter-in-law has cystic fibrosis. The governor mentioned that he likes to take the opportunity to thank those that participated in the run while raising money for a good cause.

Zinke calls to Alaskans draw look by watchdog

The Interior Department's internal watchdog is examining phone calls to Alaska's Republican senators from Interior Secretary Ryan Zinke seeking support for the GOP health care bill. Deputy Inspector General Mary Kendall said her office was launching a "preliminary investigation" of Zinke's July 26 calls to Sens. Lisa Murkowski and Dan Sullivan.