Mary Regula, congressional spouse who founded National First…

The Republican Party's Lincoln Day event was coming up, and Mary Regula was filling in for her husband, an Ohio politician who had been asked to speak about President Abraham Lincoln. Instead, Regula, a former teacher who had studied American history in college, began researching first lady Mary Todd Lincoln.

Alaska senators tell Trump they want mountain’s name to stay

U.S. Sen. Dan Sullivan said the Alaska mountain came up during an hourlong meeting he and fellow Republican Sen. Lisa Murkowski had with Trump and Interior Secretary Ryan Zinke in March. Sullivan said during a weekend speech to the Alaska Federation of Natives that Trump asked if the senators thought the name change from Mount McKinley to Denali should be reversed, the Alaska Public Radio Network reported .

Remembering Ralph Regula, the ‘Constituent Congressman’

Mike Hanke, retired editor and general manager of the Canton Repository, knew Regula from the days when -- as a new reporter -- he covered the congressman's run for the first of what would be 18-terms in the U.S. House. "He was a very kind and gentle individual, but I would say that I think he is probably going to be remembered for his constituency service.

Former U.S. Rep. Ralph Regula Passes Away At Age 92

The district Regula represented before his 2009 retirement included all of Stark and Wayne counties and parts of Ashland and Medina counties. U.S. Senator Sherrod Brown of Ohio offered his condolences on Regula's passing, in part, saying, ""Without Ralph, there would be no Cuyahoga Valley National Park.