Chorus of Conservatives Slam the Republican a Obamacarea Repeal

A growing list of conservative groups and lawmakers balked on Tuesday at House Republicans' plan to dismantle the Affordable Care Act, condemning the replacement health care bill "Obamacare 2.0." , a Republican health care bill that maintains some of the most popular provisions of the 2010 Affordable Care Act and was revealed on Monday. . "The overwhelming response from our activists is, 'This is not what we meant or expected when we voted for Congress to repeal Obamacare.

Alaska governor asks Trump to throw his weight behind Alaska LNG project

Alaska's governor is asking President Donald Trump to lend his support to what he termed an "ideal" megaproject - the $45 billion Alaska gas pipeline - as the president moves ahead with his $1 trillion plan to rebuild the nation's infrastructure. In a Feb. 7 letter addressed to Trump, Gov. Bill Walker also includes the ultimate federal wish list to help expedite the Alaska LNG project that seeks to sell huge reserves of North Slope gas to Asian utilities.

Murkowski says Trump policies on Arctic, climate still unclear

Alaska Sen. Lisa Murkowski, left, and Norwegian member of parliament Eirik Sivertsen took questions from reporters during a meeting of the Conference of Parliamentarians of the Arctic Region in Anchorage on Friday. Alaska U.S. Sen. Lisa Murkowski says it's still unclear what the Trump administration's Arctic or climate policies will look like.

Labor nominee Puzder faces uncertainty as confirmation hearing looms

Four Republican U.S. senators have not yet said whether they will support labor secretary nominee Andrew Puzder, raising suspense about whether he will survive an initial confirmation hearing this week. The four senators - Susan Collins of Maine, Lisa Murkowski of Alaska, Tim Scott of South Carolina and Johnny Isakson of Georgia - all sit on the Senate Committee on Health, Education, Labor and Pensions, which will on Thursday hold the first confirmation hearing for Puzder, President Donald Trump's pick to head the Labor Department.

The Latest: Senate confirms Shulkin as VA secretary

Supporters of Puzder are launching a campaign ... . FILE - In this Jan. 19, 2017 file photo, Treasury Secretary-designate Steven Mnuchin testifies on Capitol Hill in Washington at his confirmation hearing before the Senate Finance Committee.

The Latest: DeVos sworn in as education secretary

Betsy DeVos has been sworn in as the U.S. education secretary, hours after her nomination was approved by the Senate in a vote that required Vice President Mike Pence to break the tie. DeVos was sworn in by Pence in a ceremony at the vice president's ceremonial office.

DeVos ekes out confirmation win as Pence casts historic vote

Charter school advocate Betsy DeVos won confirmation as U.S. Education secretary Tuesday by the slimmest of margins, pushed to approval only by the historic tie-breaking vote of Vice President Mike Pence. Two Republicans, Susan Collins of Maine and Lisa Murkowski of Alaska, joined Democrats in a marathon effort to derail the nomination of the wealthy Republican donor.

Betsy DeVos is one step closer to becoming President Trump’s education secretary.

Vice President Mike Pence says he fully expects billionaire GOP donor Betsy DeVos will be confirmed as education secretary with his tie-breaking vote. Speaking on "Fox News Sunday," Pence says the Trump administration is "very confident" she will take up her Cabinet post soon.

Pence: Education pick DeVos will be confirmed with his vote

Vice President Mike Pence says he fully expects billionaire GOP donor Betsy DeVos will be confirmed as education secretary with his tie-breaking vote. Speaking on "Fox News Sunday," Pence says the Trump administration is "very confident" she will take up her Cabinet post soon.

DeVos nomination on thin ice with 2 GOP senators opposed

Donald Trump's nomination of school choice activist Betsy DeVos as education secretary is on thin ice after two Republican senators vowed to vote against her. DeVos, a billionaire Republican donor who spent more than two decades promoting charter schools, has emerged as one of Trump's most controversial Cabinet picks facing fierce opposition from Democrats, teachers unions and civil rights activists.

DeVos nomination at risk with two…

What previously appeared to be a near-certain chance of Betsy DeVos becoming President Donald Trump's education secretary took a hit Wednesday as two Republican U.S. senators said they would vote against her. U.S. Sens. Susan Collins of Maine and Lisa Murkowski of Alaska delivered statements from the floor of the U.S. Senate saying they could not support DeVos' nomination, questioning both her experience and commitment to public schools.