Linda Ronstadt tells Pompeo he will be loved when he ‘stops enabling Trump’

Ronstadt made remark after the secretary of state introduced her with a play on the song at the Kennedy Center Honors dinner

At the Kennedy Center Honors dinner in Washington on Saturday night, the US secretary of state, Mike Pompeo, introduced honoree Linda Ronstadt with a play on the title of one of her best-known songs.

“Ms Ronstadt,” the most senior US diplomat said, “thank you and congratulations. And I will say my job, as I travel the world, I just want to know when I will be loved.”

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Trump impeachment: released documents reveal Giuliani-Pompeo links

Cache published under FOI act show paper trail between Trump’s lawyer and secretary of state to enable Ukraine smear plot

Donald Trump’s personal lawyer Rudy Giuliani was in contact with secretary of state Mike Pompeo in the months before the US ambassador to Ukraine was abruptly recalled, according to a cache of documents released by on Friday.

The state department released the documents to the group American Oversight in response to a freedom of information lawsuit. They show that Pompeo talked with Giuliani on 26 March and 29 March.

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The US policy shift on Israeli settlements will not stop Palestinians persevering | Raja Shehadeh

Palestinians are surrounded by settlers and abandoned by the west, but this latest setback will only boost support for their cause

The day before US secretary of state Mike Pompeo’s announcement that the United States now considers the Israeli settlements in the West Bank to be legal, I accompanied an American group of writers on a tour of the settlements around Ramallah.

It was organised by Breaking the Silence, a group formed by Israeli veterans who oppose the occupation. Yehuda Shaul, the co-founder of the organisation, led the tour. He said that, from 1967 on, the settlement project was state-driven, neither prompted nor led by the settlers. Since then, the US position had been that settlement building in the occupied territories was contrary to international law. And yet no material action has ever been taken by any US administration to force Israel to stop building – except for one moment, in 1991, when president George Bush refused to provide a guarantee for $10bn in loans to Israel over settlement expansion. So what is new about Trump’s announcement?

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Sondland points the finger at Trump – and damns others for good measure

The EU envoy was emphatic that the shakedown scheme to hold back Ukrainian aid involved Trump and his top deputies

When Gordon Sondland walked into the congressional impeachment hearing shortly after 9am, reports were circulating that the Trump administration and the Republican party was going to throw him under the bus for his part the Ukraine scandal, painting him as a hotelier turned diplomat who went rogue.

Related: Impeachment hearings: Sondland says quid pro quo was pushed by Giuliani and ordered by Trump - live

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The Guardian view on Israeli settlements: still illegal | Editorial

The Trump administration’s declaration cannot change international law. But it will be seen as a green light for expansion and annexation

The secretary of state’s announcement that the US no longer considers Israeli settlements on occupied Palestinian land to be illegal is appalling. It is also the dismal culmination of the Trump administration’s record.

Washington has done all it can to aid Israel’s rightwing government, punish Palestinians and bury the two-state solution: moving its embassy to Jerusalem, ending funding to the UN Palestinian refugee agency, and recognising Israeli sovereignty over the Golan Heights.

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Pompeo says US does not view Israeli settlements as violation of international law – live

Secretary of state announces major shift in US foreign policy, while House investigating whether Trump lied to Robert Mueller – follow live

The US official who overheard a key phone conversation between Eu ambassador Gordon Sondland and Donald Trump will testify publicly as part of the House impeachment inquiry, according to CNN.

That’s it from me today. My west coast colleague, Maanvi Singh, will take over the blog for the next few hours.

Here’s where the day stands so far:

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US says Israeli settlements no longer considered illegal in dramatic shift

Declaration marks rejection of 2016 UN resolution that settlements on the West Bank are a ‘flagrant violation’ of international law

The US has declared that Israeli settlements on occupied Palestinian land are not necessarily illegal, in a dramatic break with decades of international law, US policy and the established position of most US allies.

“Calling the establishment of civilian settlements inconsistent with international law has not advanced the cause of peace,” said Mike Pompeo, the US secretary of state. “The hard truth is that there will never be a judicial resolution to the conflict, and arguments about who is right and who is wrong as a matter of international law will not bring peace.”

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Pompeo slams Iran’s treatment of UN nuclear inspector

US secretary of state accuses Tehran of trying to ‘intimidate’ woman while Iran says tests indicated she possessed ‘suspect’ material

The US secretary of state, Mike Pompeo, has criticised Iran’s treatment of an inspector with the UN’s nuclear watchdog agency as “an outrageous and unwarranted act of intimidation”.

The top US diplomat said that Iran had “detained” the inspector, who the International Atomic Energy Agency said had been briefly prevented from leaving the country.

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Rick Perry: Trump energy secretary resigns amid Ukraine scandal – live

Trump confirmed Perry is resigning, and said that his replacement will be announced ‘very shortly’

The mayor of Doral, Florida, a small town outside of Miami, was taken by surprise by the White House’s announcement that the G7 summit would be held at one of Trump’s own resorts there, the Washington Post reports.

The announcement, a clear example of using the power of the presidency to benefit Trump’s private interests, has sparked anger and widespread criticism.

I just talked to the mayor of Doral — who now needs to plan to host 8 world leaders and thousands of diplomats.
He learned this when we did, by watching Mulvaney on TV. He still hasn’t gotten a call from the White House.

In his final hours, Elijah Cummings, the son of sharecroppers who became an influential Democratic congressman from Baltimore, was still working to help immigrants with chronic medical conditions.

That’s what members of his staff told Massachusetts congresswoman Ayanna Pressley, she tweeted today.

As I was paying my respects to our forever Chairman, his staff told me that in his final hours he signed subpoenas to USCIS and ICE, pursuing justice for immigrants in my district & across the country with chronic medical conditions. A man of his word every moment of his life.

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Pence and Erdoğan agree on ceasefire plan but Kurds reject ‘occupation’

  • Mike Pence strikes deal with Turkish president in Ankara
  • Agreement appears to cement key Turkish objectives

The Turkish president, Recep Tayyip Erdoğan, has agreed with the US vice-president, Mike Pence, to suspend Ankara’s operation on Kurdish-led forces in north-east Syria for the next five days in order to allow Kurdish troops to withdraw, potentially halting the latest bloodshed in Syria’s long war.

Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) fighters would pull back from Turkey’s proposed 20-mile (32km) deep “safe zone” on its border, Pence told reporters in Ankara on Thursday evening after hours of meetings with Turkish officials.

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Trump led ‘concerted campaign’ to oust me, former Ukraine envoy tells Congress

The former US ambassador to Ukraine, whose abrupt departure has become a focus of impeachment proceedings against Donald Trump, has told congressional investigators that the president personally pressured the state department to recall her as part of a “concerted campaign” against her.

At a closed-door hearing on Capital Hill, Marie Yovanovitch delivered a stinging denunciation of diplomacy under the Trump administration, saying the state department was being “attacked and hollowed out from within”.

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‘It’s totally appropriate’: Pompeo jokes about political pressure at Greek press conference – video

The US secretary of state was being asked if Balkan countries would be subjected to political pressure if they were unwilling to help Donald Trump. ‘You are going to be under enormous political pressure,’ he said, joking that the Greek foreign minister pressurised him all the time

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Mike Pompeo says lawyers ‘harassed’ his team after he missed Ukraine subpoena deadline – video

At a press conference in Greece the US secretary of state says state department lawyers 'harassed his team' after he missed the the subpoena by three congressional committees to provide the House Democrats with documents relating to Ukraine in accordance with an impeachment inquiry into Donald Trump

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Mike Pompeo says he took part in Trump-Ukraine phone call – live news

Lets return to some of the president’s inflammatory tweeting last night, in which he described the House impeachment inquiry as a “COUP”.

We won’t embed the tweets here or reprint the contents due to their inflammatory and misleading nature, but they’re available to view here if you want to take a look.

Mr. Dorsey:

I write to call your attention to activity that President Trump has been engaged in on his Twitter account, which appears to violate the terms of the user agreement that your company requires all users on the platform adhere to.

No user, regardless of their job, wealth, or stature should be exempt from abiding by Twitter’s user agreement, not even the President of the United States.

Look let's be honest, @realDonaldTrump's Twitter account should be suspended.

Some more context on Secretary Pompeo’s admission that he took part in the July phone call between Donald Trump and Ukraine president Volodymyr Zelensky.

Pompeo’s involvement in the call (he listened in to the conversation and does not appear to have actively participated) was first reported by the Wall Street Journal last week. Pompeo’s admission, made earlier today on an official trip to the Vatican, confirms this reporting.

ABC: And I want to turn to this whistleblower complaint, Mr. Secretary. The complaint involving the President and a phone call with a foreign leader to the director of national intelligence inspector general. That’s where the complaint was launched by the whistle-blower. The Wall Street Journal is reporting that President Trump pressed the president of Ukraine eight times to work with Rudy Giuliani to investigate Joe Biden’s son. What do you know about those conversations?

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‘We’re not fooling around’: Pelosi and Schiff stand firm as Trump fumes

  • Democratic pair say impeachment inquiry will not be slowed
  • Trump condemned for ‘blatant effort to intimidate witnesses’

Donald Trump has been accused of “incitement to violence” and threatened with obstruction charges in the fast-escalating battle over impeachment, as the president maintained his aggressive counter-attack against Democratic leaders and the whistleblower who precipitated the inquiry.

Related: Democrats issue warning over Trump’s 'dangerous' whistleblower attacks – live

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State department watchdog seeks urgent briefing over Ukraine documents – as it happened

Inspector general’s move comes after Mike Pompeo claims Democrats are trying to ‘bully’ department employees over impeachment inquiry – follow live

The state department’s inspector general has requested an urgent briefing related to documents on Ukraine with congressional staff members, according to multiple reports.

The inspector general’s unusual request followed secretary of state Mike Pompeo’s assertions that House democrats were trying to “bully” officials into testifying and that the democrats’ schedule for depositions related to the Trump-Ukraine impeachment inquiry was “not feasible”.

Related: Impeachment inquiry: Pompeo accuses Democrats of 'bullying' and rebuffs key demand

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Impeachment inquiry: Pompeo defies Congress as battle lines drawn

Secretary of state signals he will not comply with demands to hear depositions but witness are still set to give evidence, House says

Donald Trump’s administration has sought to defy congressional demands to hear depositions from senior officials, in the first major battle of a rapidly growing impeachment inquiry.

On Tuesday, the secretary of state, Mike Pompeo, dismissed summonses from Democratic committee chairmen in the House of Representatives for five current and former state department officials to testify on the president’s attempts to push Ukraine to dig up dirt on his leading political rival.

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Trump-Ukraine scandal: US special envoy steps down as crisis widens

Kurt Volker departs as further reports emerge of White House efforts to cut access to Trump calls to Russia and Saudi Arabia

Kurt Volker, the US special envoy for Ukraine, has resigned, according to a US official, becoming the first casualty in the rapidly growing impeachment crisis surrounding Donald Trump.

Volker is due to appear before Congress next week and was mentioned in the whistleblower complaint as helping Ukraine president Volodymyr Zelenskiy “navigate” Trump’s demands.

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Assad regime used chlorine as a chemical weapon, says US

Chlorine use in May marks first confirmed violation of ban since Trump authorized airstrikes in 2018 over Syria’s use of poison gas

The United States has concluded that the government of Bashar al-Assad used chlorine as a chemical weapon in May, marking the first confirmed violation of the ban on chemical weapons since Donald Trump authorized airstrikes in 2018 over Syria’s use of poison gas.

“The Assad regime is responsible for innumerable atrocities some of which rise to the level of war crimes and crimes against humanity,” the US secretary of state, Mike Pompeo, told a news conference in New York, where he has been attending the UN general assembly.

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