Portland demonstrators, members of Congress demand whole truth of potential Trump-Russia ties

Hundreds rallied in downtown Portland on Saturday at Terry Schrunk Plaza and called for answers about whether President Donald Trump or his associates have improper ties to Russia as part of "March of Truth" demonstrations nationwide. Gatherings were held in many major American cities, including Washington D.C., New York, Los Angeles and Seattle.

House Democrat wants to make it easier to remove a president –…

House Democrat wants to make it easier to remove a president -- here's a better idea, set term limits for congress Rep. Earl Blumenauer filed the bill during the House's two-week April recess to empower former presidents and vice presidents of both parties, in coordination with the sitting vice president, to determine if a president is fit for office. "It is hard to imagine a better group to work with the vice president to examine whether the president is able to discharge the duties of the office.

Marching for science that’s vital to Oregon’s economy, environment and health

We are in the midst of an unprecedented assault on science and evidence-based policy which will have profound impacts in Oregon and beyond. The White House has proposed a massive 31 percent cut to the Environmental Protection Agency budget, which could reduce Oregonians' access to clean air and water.

Apartment developer/landlord vents about city housing policies

On March 23, Portland developer and property manager Tom Brenneke spoke at the grand opening of a 40-unit affordable housing complex in Lents. His company, Guardian Real Estate Services, built the project for the nonprofit Native American Youth and Family Center.

End federal prohibition of marijuana

The U.S. Justice Department is reviewing federal marijuana enforcement policy through the Task Force on Crime Reduction and Public Safety. Attorney General Jeff Sessions announced the move Apr. 5, with the aim of ensuring "consistency with the Department's overall strategy on reducing violent crime and with Administration goals and priorities."

Bipartisan bill would reclassify marijuana as Schedule 3 substance

Bipartisan legislation proposed in the House on Thursday would make marijuana a Schedule 3 drug, removing cannabis from its current standing as a Schedule 1 substance alongside deadly contraband including ecstasy and heroin. By reclassifying weed in the same category as anabolic steroids, Congress would "make it easier for ill-patients and scientific and medical researchers to obtain marijuana," the bill's authors said in a statement Thursday.

White House says it will step up enforcement of marijuana laws

Oregon lawmakers have repudiated a White House statement suggesting the U.S. Justice Department will enforce the federal prohibition on recreational marijuana in states that have legalized it. When Oregonians legalized recreational pot in 2014, they knew there was a risk of a federal crackdown with future presidential administrations, said Senate Majority Leader Ginny Burdick, D-Portland.

Multnomah County election: 4 questions for Sharon Meieran and Eric Zimmerman

In the race to replace Jules Bailey in District 1, emergency room doctor Sharon Meieran is battling Eric Zimmerman, chief of staff for McKeel. District 1 seat represents parts of inner east Portland and everything west of the Willamette River.

New Balance Close to Win in Buy-America Foot Race for Military

New Balance Athletic Shoe Inc. is close to winning an almost decade-long marathon: A buy-American provision in the massive defense policy bill the Senate will debate this week could force the Pentagon to purchase the company's sneakers for new military recruits. Currently, the Pentagon issues about $15 million in vouchers a year, covering 225,000 to 250,000 pairs of athletic shoes, New Balance estimates.

Train derailment causes fire in Oregon

A train derailment along the Oregon and Washington border sparked a raging fire that sent massive black plumes of smoke in the air on Friday afternoon. Eleven rail cars from a 96-car Union Pacific train carrying crude oil derailed, causing at least one train car to catch fire, Union Pacific representative Aaron Hunt said.