Should Christine Blasey Ford testify in Kavanaugh hearing?

As pressure builds for Christine Blasey Ford to testify Monday about her sexual assault allegations against U.S. Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh, a burgeoning group of friends, neighbors and activists is supporting her either way. Whether she appears or not, a banner will still fly over her neighborhood on Thursday, saying "Thank you, Christine.

Who is the woman accusing Kavanaugh of sexual assault?

Christine Blasey Ford, 51, the woman who accused Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh, is a psychology professor at Palo Alto University. Christine Blasey Ford came forward Sunday as the woman who has accused Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh of sexually assaulting her more than three decades ago, an allegation that threatens to derail his confirmation.

Kavanaugh accuser, Palo Alto professor Christine Blasey Ford, lauded as “truth teller”

Supreme Court nominee Judge Brett Kavanaugh testifies before the Senate Judiciary Committee on the third day of his Supreme Court confirmation hearing on Capitol Hill September 6, 2018 in Washington, DC. Kavanaugh was nominated by President Donald Trump to fill the vacancy on the court left by retiring Associate Justice Anthony Kennedy.

Palo Alto: Drones could shuttle blood in trial program

Palo Alto could be among five applicants FAA taps to test unmanned aerial systems; one idea is for delivery of emergency supplies at Stanford Matternet's autonomous M2 Drone is shown in a product image. The Menlo Park-based drone manufacturer has signed on for a possible partnership to deliver blood samples by drone to Stanford Hospital.

Palo Alto: Flight path change up in the air before airplane noise meeting

PALO ALTO >> An airplane noise committee will hear draft recommendations Thursday that could offer relief to South Bay, Peninsula and Santa Cruz residents furious over jet roar from new flight paths the federal government imposed in recent years to improve efficiency. But it remains uncertain whether residents will get the relief they want - people living in different areas want different solutions, and there's no recommendation on a key question of switching a route for southern arrivals.

Beyond California, Sanders signaling post-primary future

In this June 1, 2016 photo, Democratic presidential candidate Sen. Bernie Sanders, I-Vt., speaks during a campaign rally at the Cubberley Community Center in Palo Alto, Calif. With the end of the primaries looming, Bernie Sanders is focused on victory in California yet offering signals about what he will do next to shape the party's platform at the convention, help down-ballot Democrats and defeat Donald Trump.