Trump’s Top Guy Digs Lenin, Destruction

I met Steve Bannon-the executive director of who's now become the chief executive of the Trump campaign , replacing the newly resigned Paul Manafort -at a book party held in his Capitol Hill townhouse in early 2014. We were standing next to a picture of his daughter, a West Point graduate, who at the time was a lieutenant in the 101 Airborne Division serving in Iraq.

Five things missing in GOP bid to unseat Marco Rubio

In his long shot bid to defeat Marco Rubio, Republican Carlos Beruff has yet to ignite the type of political grass fire that two years ago took out a top Republican leader in the U.S. House and nearly claimed four U.S. Senators. Following the insurgent's playbook, Beruff has spent more than $8 million of his own money on television ads.

Avoiding major upset, Paul Ryan wins GOP nomination

House Speaker Paul Ryan rejected the idea that his easy win Tuesday over a long-shot Republican primary challenger praised by Donald Trump spells danger for Trump's presidential prospects in the swing state of Wisconsin. All the huge primary win means, Ryan insisted, is that he's really well-liked in the congressional district where he was born and raised and has won election to represent since 1998.

House Speaker Paul Ryan wins GOP nomination to run again

The Rio Olympics are in full swing: Michael Phelps is back to winning races in the pool, Simone Biles is running up the score in the gym and Hillary Clinton is advertising with eyes on doing just as well on... Hillary Clinton wants to get as close as possible to Michael Phelps and Simone Biles. So she's spending more than $13 million on political ads at the Olympics - while Donald Trump is sitting on the sidelines.

Paul Ryan stares down a GOP revolt in his backyard

To continue reading up to 10 premium articles, you must register , or sign up and take advantage of this exclusive offer: JANESVILLE, Wis. - House Speaker Paul D. Ryan's, R-Wis., red-brick Georgian revival in this tree-lined, kid-filled Midwestern neighborhood has long been his "refuge," as his wife calls it, from the divisive world of politics.

Tim Kaine as vice president? That would leave a key opening in the Senate.

Just the suggestion that Hillary Clinton may select Sen. Timothy M. Kaine as a running mate has Virginia political circles abuzz about who might replace the swing-state senator if he joins the Democratic presidential ticket. In the event of a Clinton-Kaine victory, state law requires Gov. Terry McAuliffe to appoint someone to fill Kaine's Senate seat for about a year.

Bullying Trump Campaign Gets Moral Compass in Pence, Cantor Says

Republican Donald Trump's presidential campaign has been marked by excesses and would benefit from the choice of Mike Pence as his running mate, said Eric Cantor, who served in the House of Representatives with the Indiana politician. "Mike is a solid guy," Cantor, a Republican and former House majority leader from Virginia, said Thursday in an interview on Bloomberg Television.

Trump Hires Pollster John McLaughlin to Focus on New York

Donald Trump has hired a pollster to work exclusively on his presidential campaign in New York, according to The New York Times. The pollster, John McLaughlin, predicted that then-House Majority leader Eric Cantor would win his 2014 race in Virginia, but Cantor lost to Dave Brat.