Mac… student protesters

'Having compassion for Mark in no way minimizes his crimes': Glee co-stars of pedophile Salling, 35, who hanged himself near LA baseball field retweet tribute to troubled actor after shock suicide 'Never been a better time to start living the American dream': President will use State of the Union to boast partisan tax-cut victory and push for immigration reforms that Democrats resent Don't walk out of Trump's State of the Union, keep the attention on 'his slobbering self' Nancy Pelosi tells Democrats President Trump spent MONTHS on the 'optimistic' State of the Union address he'll deliver tonight: 'It reminds everybody what this country should be about' Mystery man was identified as SECOND person of interest in days after Vegas shooting, newly unsealed search warrant records reveal Melania's $70,000 pamper session: Furious First Lady went to Mar-a-Lago's spa at vast cost to taxpayers ... (more)

The chairman of the Congressional Black Caucus said some of…

Members of the Congressional Black Caucus will be protesting President Donald Trump's first State of the Union address in several different ways on Tuesday night, with the chairman not explicitly ruling out a walkout by some. Many of the CBC members, along with other Democrats outside of the caucus, will be wearing black as a sign of solidarity with victims of sexual assault.

Trump To Make Bipartisan Pitch To A Divided Country In His First State Of The Union

President Trump, flanked by Vice President Pence and House Speaker Paul Ryan, gave a joint address to Congress in February 2017, soon after his inauguration. Jim Lo Scalzo/AP hide caption President Trump, flanked by Vice President Pence and House Speaker Paul Ryan, gave a joint address to Congress in February 2017, soon after his inauguration.

State of the Union tickets reissued after misprint

Tickets inviting guests to President Donald Trump's first official State of the Union address Tuesday had to be reissued after a misprint. Lawmakers had fun with the glitch: "Looking forward to tomorrow's State of the Uniom," Sen. Marco Rubio of Florida tweeted with a picture of the invite.

#MeToo, immigrants will have strong presence in SOTU address

President Donald Trump will deliver his first State of the Union address Tuesday night, but he won't be the only one trying to send a message. Many female Democratic lawmakers plan to follow the lead of celebrities at this year's Golden Globe Awards by wearing black to the State of the Union.

Ohioans To Rally for Dignity, Challenge Trump Immigration Tactics

Amer Othman Adi, a beloved Youngstown businessman, husband and father of four today sits in a northeast Ohio jail, awaiting deportation. On Tuesday, activists will rally before the State of the Union to call attention to Amer's plight and to an immigration enforcement system that has gotten out of control under Trump.

Trump to deliver first State of the Union address

US President Donald Trump will deliver his first State of the Union address on Tuesday, RT's Washington Correspondent Brian O'Donovan looks ahead. Article II, Section 3 of the US Constitution states that the President " shall from time to time give to Congress information of the State of the Union and recommend to their consideration such measures as he shall judge necessary and expedient."

Amid turmoil, Trump seeking a reset with State of the Union

Beset by poor poll numbers and the grind of the Russia investigation, President Donald Trump will look to reset his term with his first State of the Union address, arguing that his tax cut and economic policies will benefit all Americans. The theme of his Tuesday night address to Congress and the country is "Building a safe, strong and proud America," and the president is looking to showcase accomplishments of his first year while setting the tone for the second.

Sen. Young invites two Hoosiers to State of the Union

A Windfall woman and the bank that employs her are being cited as beneficiaries of the federal tax overhaul and have been invited to attend President Donald Trump's State of the Union address Tuesday. Chelsee Hatfield plans to use her forthcoming raise and bonus to help pay for classes toward an associate's degree at Indiana Wesleyan University, as well as her children's future college expenses.

Bernstein: Trump presidency characterized by his lies

"There's no reason to believe almost anything Donald Trump says," Bernstein told CNN's "State of the Union" when asked about the administration's promise not to fire special counsel "Because what we know is that the president of the United States and his presidency is characterized above all else by the lying of the president of the United States." Trump said earlier this month that he is not considering firing Mueller, who is leading the probe into Russia's election meddling and any potential ties between Trump campaign staff members and the Kremlin.

Tapper on Trump’s Denial of ‘Another Comey Lie’: The…

The CNN anchor opened State of the Union with Trump's focus on "discrediting" the Russia investigation, particularly with this tweet: "The President, of course, is prone to twisting the truth when defending himself," Tapper said. "Let's be clear: Comey said in his sworn testimony, under oath, based on contemporaneous notes he took and shared with close advisers, that the President privately told him, 'I hope you can see your way clear to letting this go, to letting Flynn go.