Ethanol-infused fuel can cause problems, but don’t expect it to disappear

It's a topic that generates a huge amount of feedback and interest, and we want to publish every credible point of view on the issue. First, if you think that the new administration has plans to get the alcohol out of your gas, think again.

GM accused of self-interested campaign in pushing for self-driving cars

In this photo provided by General Motors a self-driving car is seen in Detroit. General Motors is trying to persuade state lawmakers across the country to pass legislation that would clear the way for the automaker to make self-driving cars publicly available while potentially barring competitors from putting their own vehicles on the road.

VW’s lost, destroyed phones justify more scrutiny, FTC says

The Federal Trade Commission is seeking to further question Volkswagen Group's U.S. officials about whether evidence including mobile phones was destroyed amid the probe of diesel vehicles rigged to cheat emissions tests. "In the context of the massive scandal at the center of this case, 23 lost or bricked phones is a bright red flag, especially when they include phones that belonged to important individuals," FTC attorneys said in a court filing Thursday.

Exploding Takata air bag claims 11th victim in U.S.

A 50-year-old woman who died after a car wreck last month in California is the 11th U.S. victim of defective air bag inflators from auto industry supplier Takata. Exploding Takata air bag claims 11th victim in U.S. A 50-year-old woman who died after a car wreck last month in California is the 11th U.S. victim of defective air bag inflators from auto industry supplier Takata.

Tesla’s new Autopilot features, Chevy’s fuel cell truck, and more

It's unclear whether desperation or arrogance is more to blame for Volkswagen's systematic use of illegal, emissions tampering software in 11 million diesel-powered vehicles around the world. It is clear is that despite stifling stop-sale orders, a tarnished reputation and billions of dollars in recalls, repairs and buybacks, the company does not lack confidence-at least publically.

Stein hits Clinton on emails

Green Party candidate Jill Stein attacked Hillary Clinton on Monday for her use of a private email server as secretary of state, amid reports that notes from Clinton's interview with the FBI during its probe of the matter would be turned over to Congress soon. Declining to say whether she thought Clinton should have faced criminal charges from the FBI after its probe, Stein said that the issue "raises real questions about her competency."

Clinton: I will introduce campaign finance amendment in first 30 days

Hillary Clinton will pledge on Saturday to introduce an amendment to the Constitution to overturn the Supreme Court's Citizen United decision within the first 30 days of her administration, an aide said Saturday. Clinton first made the pledge to overturn the 2010 Supreme Court decision Citizens United, which opened the floodgates for outside money in politics, while campaigning in Iowa in 2015.

Congressmen: No commercial flights to Cuba yet

Several members of Congress want to block the start of scheduled commercial flights between the United States and Cuba, saying that security measures on the island might not be sufficient. Rep. John Katko, R-New York, said the move has nothing to do with politics and everything to do with the security of the flying public.

GM shares fuel cell research to US Navy to develop unmanned undersea vehicles

General Motors, the Office of Naval Research and the U.S. Naval Research Laboratory announce Thursday, June 23, 2016, they are cooperating to incorporate automotive hydrogen fuel cell systems into a next-generation of Navy unmanned undersea vehicles, or UUVs. Hydrogen fuel cells convert high-energy hydrogen efficiently into electricity, resulting in vehicles with greater range and endurance than those powered with batteries.

Sessions: ‘A lot of people’ may be wrongly on terror watch list

Sen. Jeff Sessions said Sunday that he would consider compromise gun legislation being hammered out by moderate Republican Sen. Susan Collins of Maine but has concerns about the constitutional rights of people placed on the federal terrorist watch list. "The problem is, you have got indications on this list of people who might be involved in terrorism," Sessions told CNN's Dana Bash on "State of the Union."

Trump says he would host Kim Jong Un in US

Donald Trump said Wednesday that he would receive North Korea's dictator for a visit to the United States and again rejected criticism over his willingness to sit down with Kim Jong Un. "What the hell is wrong with speaking?" Trump asked during a campaign event here, while conceding that he would have a very slim chance of convincing the North Korean leader to abandon his country's nuclear weapons program.