INSIGHT-The US solar industry’s new growth region: Trump country

President Donald Trump's administration has vowed to revive the coal industry, challenged climate-change science and blasted renewable energy as expensive and dependent on government subsidies. And yet the solar power industry is booming across Trump country, fueled by falling development costs and those same subsidies, which many Republicans in Congress continue to support.

Trade panel says low-cost solar imports hurt US companies

Low-cost solar panels imported from China and other countries have caused serious injury to American manufacturers, a U.S. trade commission ruled Friday, raising the possibility of the Trump administration imposing tariffs that could double the price of solar panels from abroad. The 4-0 vote by the International Trade Commission sets up a two-month review period in which the panel must recommend a remedy to President Donald Trump, with a final decision on tariffs expected in January.

US solar industry hurt by cheap imports from China

A US trade panel has ruled that low-cost solar panels imported from China and other countries have caused serious injury to American manufacturers, raising the possibility of the Trump administration imposing tariffs that could double the price of solar panels from aboard. Friday's vote by the International Trade Commission was unanimous.

Energy Analyst: DOE’s Grid Study Raises Red Flags About Future Of Green Energy

The Department of Energy's grid study contains several important red flags to consider when determining what role solar and wind power will play in the future, a digital tech analyst told The Daily Caller News Foundation. The DOE's study notes that green energy technology is not currently a problem for the electrical grid, but the agency's report warns that solar and wind power could become a problem in the future if demand explodes, according to Mark Mills, an executive at tech-consulting organization Digital Power Group.

Wall Street Breakfast: Strength In The Defense Sector

Seeking Alpha's flagship daily business news summary, gives you a rapid overview of the day's key financial news. It is published before 7:00 AM ET every market day and delivered to over 900,000 email subscribers.

Van Nuys Airport gets first solar rooftop project, Long Beach Airport may be next

When Curt Castagna built four new airplane hangars at Van Nuys Airport, he started to think about all the wasted space - on the roof. So he decided to fill up that space by going into the solar energy business, a first for his group and a first for the general aviation airport.

$100 million solar energy project coming to South Carolina

State officials, including Governor McMaster, were on hand for the inauguration of the $100 million solar project in Aiken County. "I think the success of this particular facility, a seven-acre facility that can produce up to a megawatt of power, and even today with the overcast that we have it is still producing power and energy, we've come a long way from the original solar panels," Representative Joe Wilson explained.

California Leads the Way in Solar Power

For the first time, on the day of March 23, 40 percent of Californian grid power between 11 a.m. and 2 p.m. was generated by utility-scale solar plants. This proportion was a seasonal effect but not a fluke, and it certainly points to what will be routine in the very near future.

NASA Goes Nuclear

OFFICIALS AT NASA HEADQUARTERS IN WASHINGTON, D.C., WERE BATTING AROUND names for their soon-to-be-announced nuclear program last fall when Administrator Sean O'Keefe offered a suggestion. Why not call it Project Prometheus, after the giant in Greek mythology? It was Prometheus, after all, who brought fire, and with it civilization, to humankind.

Solar Power May Get Boost From Africa’s Biggest Oil Exporter

Senators in the capital of Abuja are currently debating whether they'll allocate $30 million to solar projects in this year's budget, according to the Renewable Energy Association of Nigeria. They're expected to provide funding for off-grid solar projects, photovoltaic manufacturing, and transmission upgrades, according to REAN Executive Secretary Godwin Aigbokhan.

China’s coal consumption falls for 3rd year in a row

" China's consumption of coal fell in 2016 for a third year in a row, official data showed Tuesday, as the world's top carbon polluter has emerged as a global leader in addressing global warming. The National Bureau of Statistics said the consumption of coal, a major source of heat-trapping carbon dioxide emissions, fell by 4.7 percent last year, according to preliminary calculations.


Use of coal to generate electricity in the United States is expected to make a comeback as Americans begin to understand the reality behind former President Barack Obama's claims of a cheaper, cleaner future based on wind and solar power.

In Texas, Perry was ‘all of the above’ on energy production

Years before the Democratic president endorsed all types of energy production - from oil and gas to renewable sources like wind and solar power - Perry was putting the policy into practice in Texas. During Perry's record 14-year tenure as governor, Texas maintained its traditional role as a top driller for oil and natural gas, while also emerging as the leading producer of wind power in the United States and a top 10 provider of solar power.

France Builds Hyper-Expensive Solar Road It’ll Hardly Use

France opened a $5.3 million half-mile long "solar highway" Tuesday as part of a plan to close a third of its nuclear reactors in favor of turning 620 miles of road into solar panels. Only about 2,000 cars use the road a day, but it is far from certain that the panels can take even that modest use.