Mansini and The Meatball Chronicles Brings An Italian Brand of…

Debrianna Mansini of Better Call Saul and Breaking Bad Teams Up with Congresswoman Michelle Lujan Grisham & a Hollywood Chef to End Lunch Shaming In the US Santa Fe "Actorvist" Debrianna Mansini of Better Call Saul and Breaking Bad will be in Los Angeles this June to do the LA Premiere of The Meatball Chronicles and to advocate for New Mexico congresswoman Michelle Lujan Grisham's Bipartisan Anti-Lunch Shaming bill HR 2401 and Senator Tom Udall's senate Anti-Lunch Shaming Act, S.1064. Grisham is currently running for Governor of New Mexico, the first state to ban "Lunch Shaming" last year in 2017.

Legislature ends session after tackling guns, other issues

This Jan. 11, 2018 file photo shows dark clouds hovering over the Capitol in Salem, Ore. Oregon's Legislature ended its 2018 session on Saturday, March 3, 2018 wrapping up an almost month-long session that saw additional gun controls, an attempt to curb opioid abuse and a remedy to prevent losses to state coffers from the federal tax overhaul.

BLM backtracks on flaring rule

The U.S. Bureau of Land Management announced Monday a proposal to revise the 2016 final Waste Prevention Rule, also known as the venting and flaring rule. The proposed reversal would eliminate duplicative regulatory requirements and re-establish long-standing requirements that the 2016 final rule sought to replace, according to a BLM press release.

Lawmakers push for federal nutrition bill for Native youth

A group of Democratic senators and representatives are pushing for federal legislation that would allow for tribes to administer free federal food and nutrition programs to school children. U.S. Sen. Tom Udall and U.S. Rep. Michelle Lujan Grisham, both of New Mexico, are among the bill's sponsors.

Martinez ranked sixth least popular governor ina

Research by the firm Morning Consult shows Susana Martinez's approval rating has fallen to 37 percent from 44 percent in July. Susana Martinez ranked sixth least popular governor in United States Research by the firm Morning Consult shows Susana Martinez's approval rating has fallen to 37 percent from 44 percent in July.

Longest serving New Mexico senator leaves bipartisan legacy

Pete V. Domenici, the son of Italian immigrants who rose to become a power broker in the U.S. Senate, died Wednesday in New Mexico. The Republican was known for reaching across the partisan divide and his work on the federal budget and energy policy over a career that spanned more than 30 years.

‘I’m not disgusted, but I am disappointed,’ by our politicians’ failure, ex-Pa. Congressman says

Last fall, amid the smoldering ruins of the 2016 presidential election, defeats in Congress, statehouses and governor's mansions across the land, Joe Hoeffel had one urge: To put his fellow Democrats on the couch, to diagnose their problems, and to help them find a way out of the wilderness. "I was so disappointed in so much of what's happened lately," said Hoeffel, who represented Montgomery County's 13th Congressional District in Washington for three terms between 1999 and 2004.

Dreamers: The best of this nation

In deciding to phase out the Obama-era Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals program, which protected the children of immigrants who came to the United States illegally, Trump built in a six-month grace period before deportations could begin. He has called on Congress to act on a replacement before that happens.

Top Senate Democrat wants Turkish recognition of Armenian Genocide

PanARMENIAN.Net - Senate Democratic Leader Chuck Schumer , a decades-long outspoken advocate of justice for the Armenian Genocide, has cosponsored bipartisan Senate legislation condemning that crime and calling for an end to international complicity in Turkish government denials, reported the Armenian National Committee of America . "It is my sacred duty to speak out against the terrors of the past and against those who cannot speak of it themselves and that's why I am a proud co-sponsor of this Senate resolution.

House panel backs bill to revive Nevada nuclear waste dump

Sen. Dean Heller, R-Nev., during a press conference where he announced he will vote no on the proposed GOP healthcare bill at the Grant Sawyer State Office Building on Friday, June 23, 2017 in Las Vegas. People enter the south portal of Yucca Mountain during a 2015 congressional tour of the proposed radioactive waste dump near Mercury, Nev., 100 miles northwest of Las Vegas.

Commission supports keeping OMDP intact

The County Commission, in a 4-1 vote, passed a measure expressing continued support for the three-year-old monument and opposing any reductions in its size. Commission supports keeping OMDP intact The County Commission, in a 4-1 vote, passed a measure expressing continued support for the three-year-old monument and opposing any reductions in its size.

Heinrich, Udall say GOP health care bill would be devastating for most New Mexicans

Just hours after Republican leaders in the U.S. Senate released a draft version of a health insurance bill to replace the federal Affordable Care Act, New Mexico's two senators were joining other Democrats in trying to stop the measure from receiving the 50 votes needed for passage. In a statement, U.S. Sen. Tom Udall said he has received more than 10,000 letters and emails urging him to oppose the bill, which would roll back some rules for health insurers and eventually reduce the number of low-income Americans covered under the government-funded Medicaid program.

Sen. Martin Heinrich’s staff to host office hours

Sen. Martin Heinrich's staff to host office hours Constituent meetings are planned in Alamogordo, Lordsburg and Mesilla. Check out this story on U.S. Sen. Martin Heinrich, D-N.M., speaks with constituents on Monday, April 17, 2017, during a town hall meeting at the Las Cruces Convention Center.

New Mexico Democrats push feds to limit drilling near Chaco

The Bureau of Land Management previously agreed to defer all leases within a 10-mile radius around the park as the agency works to update its resource management plan for northwestern New Mexico. The agency is also working with the Bureau of Indian Affairs on how to best protect archaeological and cultural sites in the region.

New Mexico lawmakers introduce bill to make paying off student loans easier

Senators Tom Udall and Martin Heinrich joined Massachusetts Senator Elizabeth Warren to introduce the "Bank on Students Act," which would allow people to refinance student loan debt at a lower interest rate.

5 more senators Gorsuch no votes

Five more Democrats said Friday that they will vote against Supreme Court nominee Neil Gorsuch and will support a filibuster against him. Sens. Kamala Harris of California, Patty Murray of Washington, and Jack Reed and Sheldon Whitehouse, both of Rhode Island, said they believe that the Denver-based appeals court judge has ruled too often against workers and in favor of corporations.

New Mexico warily studies Republican health overhaul plan

New Mexico's health care sector and policy makers were warily studying a proposal Tuesday by U.S. House Republicans to replace the Affordable Care Act that has cut the state's uninsured rate in half since 2013. Of particular concern were measures to reduce federal matching funds for newcomers to Medicaid health coverage starting in mid-2019, and link overall federal spending on Medicaid to a limited, per-beneficiary amount.

Warren pressing Trump administration on cost of border wall

Sen. Elizabeth Warren is pressing the Trump administration on how they plan to pay for a wall on the U.S. and Mexico border. The Massachusetts Democrat and five other Democratic senators have sent a letter to Homeland Security Secretary John Kelly raising concerns about what they said was the potential diversion of funds from key agency priorities.