Two Martinez appointees move into protected jobs

Two more of Gov. Susana Martinez's political appointees - a Gaming Control Board member and the director of adult prisons - have slid into civil service jobs as Martinez prepares to leave office Dec. 31, state government personnel records show. The job changes make it possible - but don't guarantee - that the Martinez appointees will remain employed with the state under the administration of Gov.-elect Michelle Lujan Grisham, a Democrat.

Money keeps rolling in for governor candidates

Democratic candidate for governor Michelle Lujan Grisham leads in the polls but still lags in campaign cash on hand, despite more than doubling her opponent's fundraising haul in the first reporting period for the November general election. The congresswoman from Albuquerque raised almost $2 million in the late summer reporting period, a two-month stretch that ended Sept.

Evaluations show teachers improving in New Mexico

Laura Mayo, teacher of a combined class of fifth- and sixth-graders at Nava Elementary School, works Monday with her students on fractions. Gabriela Campos/The New Mexican William Rodriguez, a teacher at Nava Elementary School, works Monday with his fifth-grade students on making marshmallow cannons to teach them the principles of Newton's laws of motion.

Teacher evaluations roil gubernatorial race in New Mexico

New Mexico GOP gubernatorial hopeful Steve Pearce speaks to business leaders in Albuquerque, N.M., on Monday, July 30, 2018, about his plan to transform the state's economy. Pearce and New Mexico gubernatorial candidate Democrat Rep. Michelle Lujan Grisham are pushing dueling economic plans aimed at tackling poverty in one of the nation's poorest states.

New Mexico candidate for governor pledges not to raise taxes

The Republican candidate for governor of New Mexico has signed a pledge to oppose any tax increases if elected, even as the state struggles to shore up its credit rating and address public pension liabilities. Congressman and gubernatorial contender Steve Pearce confirmed Monday his commitment to conservative activist Grover Norquist's famous pledge against any net tax increases if elected governor.

Native American woman advances in New Mexico primary Source: AP

New Mexico Democrats rallied around progressive female candidates in the primary - including the party's nominee for the Albuquerque area's U.S. House seat who will try to become the first Native American congresswoman. The Tuesday primary also set up a November race that will mean the most Hispanic congressional district in the most Hispanic state in the nation will be represented by a woman for the first time.

Michelle Lujan Grisham wins Democratic primary for governor

Retired law professor Antoinette Sedillo Lopez, right, calls voters from her Albuquerque, N.M., headquarters on Monday, June 4, 2018, as she seeks last minute support for the Democratic nomination for an open Congressional seat in central New Mexico. Voters in the state's central and southern district will decide Tuesday which Democrats and Republicans will win their parties' nominations for two open seats that could determine which parties control the U.S. House of Representatives.

Lieutenant governor candidates look to help

Candidates for governor and lieutenant governor run separately in the primary election, and the winners then run together in the general election. Lieutenant governor candidates look to help next administration Candidates for governor and lieutenant governor run separately in the primary election, and the winners then run together in the general election.

Gov. Martinez dines at White House with Trump

Donald Trump says progress on a border wall is being made but calls on Congress to provide more funding toward his signature campaign promise. Gov. Martinez, Donald Trump discuss immigration, border security at White House Donald Trump says progress on a border wall is being made but calls on Congress to provide more funding toward his signature campaign promise.

Three states pledge 1,600 troops for Trump’s border fight

Governor Doug Ducey speaks to Arizona National Guard soldiers prior to deployment to the Mexico border Arizona, New Mexico, and Texas have pledged to send about 1,600 National Guard members to the US-Mexico border, responding to President Donald Trump's plan to use the military to help fight illegal immigration and drug trafficking. Texas governor Greg Abbott said he would add about 300 troops a week to the 250 members of the National Guard whose deployment was announced on Friday until the total number reaches at least 1,000 troops.

Martinez announces WIPP road improvement projects

Gov. Martinez announces WIPP road improvement projects Four projects are expected to be completed in 2018, with construction starting this spring. Check out this story on A CAST Specialty Transportation truck delivers the first shipment to WIPP since its 2014 closure in April.

Should the state tap the $17.5 billion permanent fund for preK?

Early childhood education proponents are proclaiming a big win now that the House of Representatives has approved a measure to pull more funds from the state's $17.5 billion Land Grant Permanent Fund to pay for prekindergarten programs. But House Joint Resolution 1, as the measure is known, will soon have to navigate its way through the choppy waters of the Senate Finance Committee before it goes to the full Senate for debate and a vote.

Martinez ranked sixth least popular governor ina

Research by the firm Morning Consult shows Susana Martinez's approval rating has fallen to 37 percent from 44 percent in July. Susana Martinez ranked sixth least popular governor in United States Research by the firm Morning Consult shows Susana Martinez's approval rating has fallen to 37 percent from 44 percent in July.

Lujan Grisham plans roundtable talk on New Mexico film industry

Lujan Grisham will join a handful of Hollywood heavy hitters, including author and Santa Fe resident George R.R. Martin, for a roundtable discussion about the future of New Mexico's film industry, which generates millions of dollars annually for the state's economy. At the Oct. 19 event, which will be held at the Jean Cocteau Cinema in the Santa Fe Railyard, participants will discuss Lujan Grisham's "plans to ensure New Mexico can continue to attract investment from television and film productions."

Southern New Mexico Democratic senator jumps in gov’s race

Sen. Joseph Cervantes, an architect and Las Cruces attorney, told The Associated Press he will announced Wednesday he is seeking the Democratic nomination for governor in a direct challenge to Congresswoman Michelle Lujan Grisham and other Democrats wanting to succeed Republican Gov. Susana Martinez. Cervantes says he wants to focus on fixing the state's economy and educational system, and will try to change various policies that drive young people from the state.

Federal court blocks Trump EPA on air pollution

An appeals court Monday struck down the Environmental Protection Agency's 90-day suspension of new emission standards on oil and gas wells, a decision that could set back the Trump administration's broad legal strategy for rolling back Obama-era rules. In a 2-to-1 ruling, the U.S. Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit concluded that the EPA had the right to reconsider a 2016 rule limiting methane and smog-forming pollutants emitted by oil and gas wells but could not delay the effective date while it sought to rewrite the regulation.