Trump claims witch hunt, says hea s most hounded leader ever

Brimming with resentment, President Donald Trump fervently denied on Thursday that his campaign had collaborated with Russia or that he'd tried to kill an FBI probe of the issue, contending that "even my enemies" recognize his innocence and declaring himself the most unfairly hounded president in history. Asked point-blank if he'd done anything that might merit prosecution or even impeachment, he said no and then added concerning the allegations and questions that have mounted as he nears the four-month mark of his presidency: "I think it's totally ridiculous.

MTSU alumna, Rutherford County Schools teacher challenges DesJarlais with 2018 run

Mariah Phillips, a Rutherford County Schools teacher and an MTSU alumna, announced her 2018 congressional run, which will challenge Congressman Scott DesJarlais, who currently serves as a representative for Tennessee's fourth congressional district. Phillips earned her master's degree from David Lipscomb University after earning her bachelor's degree from MTSU.

Democrats predict backlash for GOP

The House voted Thursday to narrowly approve a Republican-drafted measure that would eliminate numerous provisions of the Affordable Care Act - the first step toward keeping one of President Trump's campaign pledges and a victory for GOP lawmakers who have long railed against Obamacare, as the ACA is commonly known. Eyeing a victory, a jubilant Trump tweeted during the vote that, if successful, Republicans would gather for "big press conference at the attractive Rose Garden of the White House" immediately afterwards.

Acosta sworn in as 27th US labour secretary

Vice-President Mike Pence has sworn in Alex Acosta as the nation's new labour secretary, filling out President Donald Trump's Cabinet as he approaches his 100th day in office. The oath-taking Friday comes after the Senate's 60-38 confirmation vote in which eight Democrats and one independent joined Republicans in voting yes.

Corps employs at-risk youth, vets to make low-income homes in Charleston area more energy efficient

Tanya Witlin, who works with AmeriCorps South Carolina, conducts a skills session with veterans and at-risk youth in the Sustainability Institute's Energy Conservation Corps participants. David Quick/Staff Chris Lisinski, who served both military and contractor roles in Afghanistan, was among the first participants in the Veterans Conservation Corps in 2015 and is now the program manager.

Back in South Carolina, Democrat Martin O’Malley says “I just might” run for president

Former Maryland Gov. Martin O'Malley answers questions at a town hall event Saturday at the College of Charleston. The event was hosted by the Charleston Democratic Party, the College of Charleston Democrats and Indivisible Charleston.

Education advocates question grade inflation in AP courses

Jeremy Noonan, an education advocate with Citizens for Excellence in Public Schools, spoke during the Douglas County Board of Education meeting Monday night about grade inflation in Advanced Placement courses and how it negatively impacts student achievement. Grade inflation in Advanced Placement courses and below par scores by students who take the course were addressed by two members of the advocacy group Citizens for Excellence in Public Schools Monday night during the Douglas County Board of Education meeting.

SICK. Pelosi Won’t Condemn Dem Lawmaker’s Crude Bl*wjob…

Democrat Congressman, Cedric Richmond in Louisiana disrespected Kellyanne Conway by making a crude 'joke' about her looking 'familiar' on her knees in reference to the picture of her kneeling on the couch in the Oval Office. Democratic Rep. Cedric Richmond made a crude joke about White House senior adviser Kellyanne Conway on Wednesday night during the Washington Press Club Foundation dinner.

Republicans will finally show Obamacare plan

After years of haranguing Democrats for Obamacare's shortcomings and running dress rehearsals to repeal it, Republicans this week may finally lay down a specific and actionable plan to scrap the Affordable Care Act and face the praise as well as the consequences. "We're working through the final details of this," Rep. Kevin Brady, a Republican from Texas and the House Ways and Means Chairman told Fox News Saturday.

Cedric Richmond issues statement apologizing for Kellyanne Conway comment

Counselor to the president Kellyanne Conway can be seen kneeling on a couch in the Oval Office near a group of presidents of historically black colleges and universities. apologizing for a joke he made at a recent dinner that many have criticized as offensive and sexist.

Trump signs executive order on black colleges

President Donald Trump signed an executive order Tuesday aimed at signaling his commitment to historically black colleges and universities, saying that those schools will be "an absolute priority for this White House." HBCU presidents are hoping Congress will bolster Trump's actions to strengthen the schools with dramatically increased funding in the upcoming federal budget.

APLU Looks Forward to Congressional HBCU Conference & Advancing Legislative Action

Association of Public and Land-grant Universities President Peter McPherson today issued the following statement regarding tomorrow's congressional convening of Historically Black Colleges and Universities on Capitol Hill. The association's membership includes 23 historically black colleges and universities , of which 21 are land-grant institutions .

Angry Constituents Are Saving America From Trump And We Are Here For It

Across these United States, Americans young and old are confronting their representative Republican lawmakers face to face at town hall meetings , and opening up a powerful can of civic engagement whoop-ass. It's so beautiful.

‘Don’t repeal Obamacare, improve it’: Republicans face wrath…

Republicans members of Congress, away from Washington for the Presidents Day week, are getting an earful as constituents have come out in force to voice displeasure for some of the party's policy positions, particularly the plan to repeal and replace the Affordable Care Act. Sen. Chuck Grassley of Iowa held an event on Tuesday in which constituents voiced concerns about losing coverage if the law better known as Obamacare is repealed.

President Trump Can’t Stop Talking About the Election

But President Trump has taken the practice farther than most, reminiscing about his unexpected campaign win and recounting his exact Electoral College margin at unexpected times. "I also want to thank Senator Tim Scott for joining us today - friend of mine, a great, great senator from South Carolina," he said.

Lawmakers Feel the Heat as Resistance Shows Up in Droves to Town Halls

"This is what the resistance looks like," Democratic Rep. Mark Pocan wrote Saturday on Twitter. Energized crowds in New York, South Carolina, and Wisconsin on Saturday morning gave lawmakers a hint of what awaits them in their home districts during the upcoming Congressional recess .

Trump exchange with black journalist sparks outrage

In this Jan. 5, 2017, file photo, House Assistant Minority Leaser James Clyburn of S.C speaks during a news conference on Capitol Hill in Washington. Members of the Congressional Black Caucus expressed bafflement and dismay on Feb. 16, after President Donald Trump asked a black reporter to set up a meeting with them.

Labor nominee Puzder faces uncertainty as confirmation hearing looms

Four Republican U.S. senators have not yet said whether they will support labor secretary nominee Andrew Puzder, raising suspense about whether he will survive an initial confirmation hearing this week. The four senators - Susan Collins of Maine, Lisa Murkowski of Alaska, Tim Scott of South Carolina and Johnny Isakson of Georgia - all sit on the Senate Committee on Health, Education, Labor and Pensions, which will on Thursday hold the first confirmation hearing for Puzder, President Donald Trump's pick to head the Labor Department.

Diversify this

Along with his remarked-upon shortfalls in diplomacy, nuance, finesse, rationality and often good manners, our 45th president has also been docked for his diversity shortfall. This means he is surrounded by too many persons of pallor and of masculinity, in other words, by white males.