Abolish Mandatory License for Shampooing Hair? California Lawmakers Will Consider It.

One of my favorite Ronald Reagan quotations illustrates the problem of an ever-growing government: "Government programs, once launched, never disappear. Actually, a government bureau is the nearest thing to eternal life we'll ever see on this Earth!" In my decades covering public agencies, I can think of only a handful of rollbacks-and they usually ended up perversely expanding government power.

Complicated recovery awaits victims injured in Vegas attack

Mike Kordich, a firefighter from Rancho Cucamonga, Calif., answers questions from his hospital bed at Sunrise Hospital in Las Vegas, today. Kordich was giving a severely injured person CPR when he was hit by a bullet after a gunman opened fire on an outdoor music concert on Sunday.

Next stop on Aguilara s a Job For A Daya tour at Goodwill store in Rancho Cucamonga

Rep. Pete Aguilar, D-San Bernardino, learned Tuesday about operations at a Goodwill retail store in Rancho Cucamonga, the next stop on his 'Job For A Day' Tour of the Inland Empire. Rep. Pete Aguilar, D-San Bernardino, continued his 'Job For A Day' Tour of the Inland Empire on Tuesday at the Goodwill Southern California in Rancho Cucamonga, where he worked sorting donations.

Colonies trial judge inclined to drop two charges against one defendant

SAN BERNARDINO >> The judge in the Colonies corruption trial on Monday said he was leaning toward dismissing two felony charges against one defendant for allegedly failing to report to the state gifts he received from another defendant in 2007. Judge Michael A. Smith, however, declined to dismiss three felony counts of perjury against defendant and former county Assistant Assessor Jim Erwin, saying prosecutors were allowed to charge Erwin with those crimes under general statutes.

Colonies defense attorney accuses retired DA investigator of misleading grand jury

SAN BERNARDINO >> A defense attorney in the Colonies corruption case continued Wednesday to attack a district attorney investigator's testimony about defendant and former county Assistant Assessor Jim Erwin, alleging the investigator lied and misled the indicting grand jury in 2011. Rajan Maline plowed through sustained objections from prosecutor Lewis Cope in the courtroom of Judge Michael A. Smith in San Bernardino Superior Court as he circled back over the previous testimony of Robert Schreiber, who was a supervising investigator for the District Attorney's Office in 2009 and subsequently retired as chief investigator for the office.