Department of Veterans Affairs

Peter O'Rourke, the chief of staff at the Department of Veterans Affairs, will step in and lead the agency while President Donald Trump's pick for a new VA head is confirmed by the Senate. Robert Wilkie, whose nomination to lead VA was unexpectedly announced by Trump in an offhand manner at a White House on May 18, has been temporary head of the veterans' agency since former chief David Shulkin was fired in March.

When Trump Attacks Democrats Mostly Stay Quiet

Politico : "After laying into Sen. Jon Tester in late April, Trump is reveling in a new round of attacks on the 10 senators up for reelection in states that the president won in 2016. Always more of an attack dog toward his enemies than a defender of his allies, Trump is laying into 'Sleepin'' Sen. Joe Donnelly of Indiana, calling Sen. Bob Casey of Pennsylvania a 'disaster' and blaming Sen. Sherrod Brown of Ohio for 'catch and release' immigration policies."

Red State Democrat Follows Party Orders On Immigration

Montana Sen. Jon Tester is one of the top targets for Republicans to take down in November - and his immigration positions will likely make the GOP's job easier. In the not-too distant past, red state Democrats made an effort to appear moderate on immigration by voting against amnesty bills and vowing to support measures cracking down on illegal immigration.

Fox News smears Senate Democrats by linking them to 9/11 mastermind…

Fox News on Wednesday linked Senate Democrats who oppose President Donald Trump's nominee for CIA director to alleged 9/11 mastermind Khalid Sheikh Mohammed. An article published on the Fox News website claims that Khalid Sheikh Mohammed is "like the Senate intelligence panel's Democrats" because both oppose the confirmation of Gina Haspel to head the CIA.

House Chairman Unveils Bill to Overhaul VA-Funded Private Care and Shutter Department Facilities

A key lawmaker in the House on Thursday introduced a measure to expand veterans access to private health care on the government's dime while also instituting a process by which the Veterans Affairs Department would begin closing underutilized facilities. The Veterans Affairs Maintaining Systems and Strengthening Integrated Outside Networks Act would provide veterans access to private sector care when the services they are seeking are not offered at VA, there is no full-service medical facility in their state, they previously were eligible for outside care under the Veterans Choice Program or VA cannot meet its own standards of care in providing care to an individual veteran.

White House physician Ronny Jackson faces Pentagon inquiry

White House physician Ronny Jackson is facing a new inquiry by the Pentagon inspector general after his nomination to be the next secretary of Veterans Affairs fell apart last week. Add Trump Administration as an interest to stay up to date on the latest Trump Administration news, video, and analysis from ABC News.

Ap Fact Check: Trump’s rhetoric misleading on Va issues

In this Jan. 16, 2018, file photo, White House physician Dr. Ronny Jackson speaks to reporters during the daily press briefing in the Brady press briefing room at the White House, in Washington. Jackson, President Donald Trump's pick to lead Veterans Affairs withdrew April 26, in the wake of late-surfacing allegations about overprescribing drugs and poor leadership while serving as a top White House doctor, saying the "false allegations" against him have become a distraction.

Ap Fact Check: Trump distorts claims on Va nominee, vet care

President Donald Trump is distorting some of the reasons why his pick to lead the Department of Veterans Affairs, White House physician Ronny Jackson, abruptly withdrew his nomination. Trump casts late-surfacing allegations against Jackson as entirely partisan.

President Trump Praises ‘Love’ At Campaign-Style Rally in Michigan

President Donald Trump took aim at familiar political targets and added a few fresh ones during a campaign-style rally in Michigan, an Upper Midwest state so crucial in sending him to the White House. Trump has been urging voters to support Republicans for Congress as a way of advancing his agenda.

Trump rally fires up crowd in Washington Township

President Donald Trump took aim at familiar political targets and added a few fresh ones during a campaign-style rally Saturday night in the county that helped give him a surprising victory in the 2016 election. Trump, in an 80-minute speech, has been urging voters to support Republicans for Congress as a way of advancing his agenda.