Photo provided by Peabody Energy

Top Senate Republican Mitch McConnell on Tuesday introduced legislation to maintain health benefits for retired union coal miners whose companies have declared bankruptcy in recent years. McConnell was among those who successfully worked last year to provide a four-month extension of health benefits that protected 16,000 miners whose benefits would otherwise have been cut off on Jan. 1. Democrats made a major push as well, as the government neared a shutdown last December.

Coal Firm to Pay Obama Mentor $435,000 to Fight Climate Plan

Peabody Energy Corp. is set to pay President Barack Obama's Harvard Law School mentor $435,000 this year to help the bankrupt coal producer challenge the administration's signature environmental law. The payments to Laurence Tribe, a constitutional law expert and legal icon -- spanning May to December this year -- were disclosed in a legal filing tied to Peabody's bankruptcy proceedings.