Rampell: Let’s hope no crisis befalls Trump’s economic leadership

Last week, for the 10-year anniversary of the Bear Stearns failure, Marketplace released an hourlong interview with the key economic policymakers involved: Former Federal Reserve chair Ben S. Bernanke, George W. Bush administration treasury secretary Henry M. Paulson Jr., and former New York Federal Reserve president Timothy F. Geithner, who would later become President Barack Obama's treasury secretary. Listening to their recounting of the start of the financial crisis, I found myself unexpectedly wistful.

Fellow Banks Lose Faith In Wells Fargo, Downgrade On Fed Risk

Wells Fargo & Co received a cease-and-desist order Friday from the Federal Reserve that will limit asset growth to $1.95 trillion pending compliance, board oversight and risk management improvements. The threat to net income prompted a number of Monday downgrades, with Morgan Stanley and JPMorgan assigning Underweight ratings and Citigroup and Keefe, Bruyette & Woods downgrading to Neutral or Market Perform.

$67 billion in tax cuts to 11 donor families to the GOP

To call your Member of Congress to say "NO" to the tax deform bills?: Toll free number for the US Capitol Switchboard 1-866-220-0044 or 1-888-516-5820 - Call NOW and call often! $67 billion in tax cuts to 11 donor families to the GOP By Lynda Carson - December 5, 2017 In what appears to be a blatant GOP kick back scheme masquerading as the so-called tax cuts and jobs act, reportedly 11 families that are major campaign contributors to Republican leaders in Congress are set to receive $67.5 billion alone in estate tax cuts, if Congress is able to reconcile the two tax bills voted on by the House and Senate recently. Making matters worse, the tax bill/kick back scheme will increase the national debt by $1.4 trillion dollars.

Stephens film series features heroes of capitalism

Kyle Massey at Arkansas Business reports on an announcement today that Warren Stephens , the CEO of Stephens Inc. , has produced a film series and related media, "This is Capitalism." Stephens explains that capitalism has gotten a bad rap.

Report: Democrat Harold Ford Jr. Considered for Trump Post

Ford served five terms in Congress from 1997 to 2007 following the retirement of his father Harold Ford Sr., who had served the same district since 1983. He currently lives in New York and works for Morgan Stanley, but is a frequent guest on MSNBC's "Morning Joe," where he offers political commentary.

City Diary: Barclays’ former a 2.4m-a-year chief Antony Jenkins…

Barclays' former A 2.4m-a-year chief Antony Jenkins yesterday unveiled his bank-focused fintech business, 10x Future Technologies, informing anyone who'd listen: 'I want to transform banking.' Dry biscuit Jenkins, 55, made a similarly earnest pledge to 'transform' Barclays post-Bob Diamond and was canned not long afterwards, but perhaps we shouldn't discourage him.

Media/GOP Treating Trump Same as Romney Post-Benghazi

NeverTrump Republicans are indulging a fantasy that if only the Republican Party had a "normal" candidate, if only Trump behaved in a "polished" way, the nominee and the party at large would avoid a lot of PR/Media headaches. But this is contrary to what actually happened a mere four years ago.