Scott Walker moves forward with plan to drug test food stamp users

Wisconsin's plan was approved by the Republican-controlled Legislature more than two years ago, but it languished because it conflicts with federal rules prohibiting states from imposing additional eligibility criteria on Florida had a drug test requirement for food stamp recipients that a federal appeals court blocked in 2014, finding it violated constitutional protections against unreasonable searches. Walker filed a federal lawsuit in 2015 seeking approval to test food stamp applicants, but it was rejected because then-President Barack Obama's administration had not yet formally rejected the state's request to do the testing.

Spanish football sees major drop in doping tests

Hundreds of schools have been closed and most flights have been canceled in and out of New Hampshire as the latest storm to hit the area has dumped over a foot of snow in some places. A federal judge in Washington is hearing arguments on whether to stop work on the $3.8 billion Dakota Access oil pipeline until a legal battle with American Indian tribes is resolved.