Trump pledges hands off Russia probe, may – change my mind’

From left, Sen. Lindsey Graham, R-S.C., Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman Chuck Grassley, R-Iowa, and Sen. Dianne Feinstein, D-Calif., the ranking member, confer before considering a bipartisan bill to protect the special counsel from being fired, on Capitol Hill in Washington, Thursday, April 26, 2018. They voted 14 to 7 to send the Special Counsel Independence and Integrity Act to the full Senate, but Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell has insisted he will not hold a full Senate vote on the legislation which would seek expedited judicial review of a firing.

Tom Steyer Endorses Sen. Feinstein’s Challenger in Primary

Billionaire donor Tom Steyer has endorsed state Sen. Kevin de Leon in the Democratic primary passing over long-time incumbent Sen. Dianne Feinstein, D-Calif., the Washington Examiner is reporting. "I think he's the kind of young progressive that reflects California and would be a very strong advocate for our state nationally," Steyer told the Examiner.

Tuesday Morning News Roundup

Bodies of all four members of a Southern California family who went missing earlier this month have been found after a boy's body was found late Monday afternoon, Mendocino County sheriff's officials said. The Thottapilly family -- Sandeep, 41, Soumya, 38, Siddhant, 12, and Saachi, 9 -- were returning home to Santa Clarita from a vacation in Portland, Oregon, when they were reported missing by a relative who had expected them to show up at their San Jose home on April 6, but still had not seen them two days later, according to San Jose police.

Congress to Facebook’s Zuckerberg: Huh?

Congress had an agency designed to help senators avoid the sort of embarrassment they faced when trying to understand Facebook - but lawmakers stopped funding it 23 years ago and have resisted reviving it. Now there's talk the Office of Technology Assessment could make a comeback.

Live updates from Mark Zuckerberg’s Congressional testimony

On Tuesday, Facebook's CEO will make his long-anticipated appearance on Capitol Hill, where he will testify before the Senate's Judiciary and Commerce, Science, and Transportation Committees. Zuckerberg will speak about Facebook's data privacy policies, which have come under fire in the wake of Cambridge Analytica , as well as the social network's role in combating election interference.

“I’m sorry:” Zuckerberg opens Senate hearing with an apology

Zuckerberg will testify Tuesd... . DELETES NAME OF WOMAN WITH ZUCKERBERG AS IT IS NOT HIS WIFE - Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg leaves a meeting with Sen. Bill Nelson, D-Fla., the ranking member of the Senate Commerce Committee, on Capitol Hill in Washington, Mon... .

Prof. says firing shows anti-conservative bias

Lost amid a flurry of Facebook announcements about privacy settings and data ac... After a tough day before the Senate Tuesday, Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg wrapped up his two-day trip to Capitol Hill on Wednesday with testimony before a House committee. Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg wrapped up his two-day trip to Capitol Hill with testimony before a House committee Wednesday.

Woman opens fire at YouTube headquaters, injures 3 before shooting herself

At least three people were injured when a woman opened fire at YouTube headquarters before fatally shooting herself, local police said Four people were injured, with one being in critical condition, after a woman open fired at the YouTube Headquarters. The woman then allegedly shot herself as per the police.

a Deep concerna over nixing anti-discrimination language from HUD mission statement: Dems

Democrats in Congress are expressing deep concern over proposed changes at the Department of Housing and Urban Development that would see the words "free from discrimination" removed from its mission statement a move they say would "erase decades worth of progress" in housing anti-discrimination efforts. In a letter addressed to embattled HUD Secretary Ben Carson, lawmakers are asking the department to not remove the words, saying it would change the mission statement from one that promotes inclusion and discrimination-free communities to "one that does not strive to offer the same protections."

Thousands March To Demand Gun Control After Mass Shootings

Thousands of people poured into San Francisco's Civic Center Plaza this afternoon for the March For Our Lives rally, one of many events across the U.S. calling lawmakers to combat what organizers say is an epidemic of gun violence. Drawing on impetus from the Feb. 14 mass shooting at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, Florida that killed 17 people and injured dozens more, the March for Our Lives rally was largely put together by young people and students nationwide demanding that lawmakers come up with tighter gun control laws.

Oregon attorney general considers investigating Facebook

Oregon's attorney general says she is reviewing whether to launch an investigation of Facebook, including whether it violated a state law that protects online customers' private information. Attorney General Ellen Rosenblum told The Associated Press that she and several other state attorneys general are drafting a letter to Facebook, asking about a leak of Facebook customers' data without their knowledge or consent.

Newsom leads and Cox in second in new poll of California governor’s race

With 75 days to go before the June 5 primary election, Lt. Gov. Gavin Newsom continues to lead the field for governor, while former Los Angeles Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa has fallen into third place, overtaken by a Southern California Republican, according to a new poll.

Some Lessons from California for Donald Trump

In many ways, the Golden State represents the American future that Trump-with his white nativism and economic protectionism-is trying to turn back, Canute style. Once a bastion of Nixon-Reagan Republicanism, California is now among the most diverse states in the country, with Hispanics and Asians making up a majority of the population.

House backs school safety bill in Florida shooting response

Students sit in silence as they rally in front of the White House in Washington today. Students walked out of school to protest gun violence in the biggest demonstration yet of the student activism that has emerged in response to last month's massacre of 17 people at Florida's Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School.

Protests expected for Trumpa s visit to California border

Ariel Norcross holds a sign during a rally against a scheduled upcoming visit by President Donald Trump on Monday in San Diego. Trump is scheduled to visit San Diego on Tuesday, setting foot in California for his first time as president.