Attorney General Morrisey Appeals Right-To-Work Injunction

West Virginia Attorney General Patrick Morrisey finalized his office's appeal of a preliminary injunction that orders the state's right-to-work law not to take effect during litigation. Arguments filed Tuesday urge the state Supreme Court of Appeals to overrule the preliminary injunction and restore West Virginia's right-to-work-law.


Use of coal to generate electricity in the United States is expected to make a comeback as Americans begin to understand the reality behind former President Barack Obama's claims of a cheaper, cleaner future based on wind and solar power.

W.Va. AG, Ohio AG DeWine Lead 13 States in Challenging Abusive Federal Mining Rule

West Virginia Attorney General Patrick Morrisey and Ohio Attorney General Mike DeWine led a group of 13 states in challenging the federal government's so-called Stream Protection Rule as drastically and illegally limiting coal mining in disregard of state regulatory authority. The states filed suit in federal court, and many also asked Congress to revoke the last-minute Obama Administration regulation.

With Democrats Like These…

Sen. Joe Manchin of West Virginia was asked by the hosts of Fox and Friends if he was going to change parties and become a Republican and he said being a Democrat has been his identity, but "my brand is being very independent." He then tried to explain to Brian Kilmeade why begin a republican or a democrat shouldn't interfere with being a good American.

Capito calls on Trump to join fight for miners’ benefits

Senator Shelley Moore Capito is calling on President-Elect Donald Trump to make the Miners Protection Act a priority in his first days in office. Capito voted in the majority in favor of the continuing resolution on Friday night to fund the government.

Reports: Manchin Considered for Cabinet

U.S. Sen. Joe Manchin, D-W.Va., is being considered for a job as energy secretary in President-elect Donald Trump's new administration, according to a report from Politico. Manchin would be the second Democrat Trump is reportedly considering for a Cabinet post.

his own brand of justice

Donald Trump has won the presidency after narrowly carrying a few states to put him above 270 electoral votes.But according... During the Labor Day weekend, when many people are celebrating and preparing for the upcoming school-year, Dakota Access, a... Donald Trump has announced that Steve Bannon-former head of the online racist platform Breitbart-will be a senior adviser in... There's no doubt that if you're charged with a crime, it's good to be rich.

Retrain miners to do what?

U.S. Department of Labor officials announced they are sending another $4.3 million in federal money to West Virginia for out-of-work miners. National Dislocated Worker Grant funding will be given to WorkForce West Virginia, which it says it will use to continue service for 1,700 Mountain State residents already enrolled in the program, and about 300 newly displaced coal miners.