Giulio Regeni’s last messages before his death in Egypt counter spy claims

Facebook messages from the Italian student killed in Cairo in 2016 show his concerns about studying in the country

The Facebook messages written by the Cambridge student Giulio Regeni in the weeks leading up to his murder give the lie to any notion he was a spy or political agitator.

Even before he left England, Regeni was concerned about the risks he might face doing his thesis on trade unions in Egypt, a sensitive subject in the country.

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Egyptian forces fire teargas at anti-Sisi protesters in Cairo

At least 55 people reported arrested over protests calling for President Sisi to stand down

Hundreds of Egyptians took to the streets in Cairo and other cities in rare protests against the country’s president, Abdel Fatah al-Sisi, responding to an online call for a demonstration against government corruption.

Videos shared on social media showed protesters in central Cairo as well as the port cities of Alexandria and Suez, demanding that Sisi leave office. Protests also occurred in the towns of Damietta, Damanhur and Mahalla.

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Mohamed Morsi buried as detention conditions denounced as torture

Egyptian former president’s burial takes place under heavy security in remote area of Cairo

Egypt’s former president Mohamed Morsi has been buried in a remote area of Cairo as his treatment in custody before his death was denounced as torture.

Morsi, the only democratically elected civilian leader in Egypt’s history, fainted in court on Monday and was pronounced dead on arrival in hospital. He was prosecuted on numerous charges after his one-year rule was brought to an end by a military coup in 2013.

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Mohamed Morsi, ousted president of Egypt, dies in court

Imprisoned former leader, 67, collapses and dies while on trial on espionage charges

Egypt’s first democratically elected civilian president, Mohamed Morsi, has collapsed during a court session and died, almost six years after he was forced from power in a bloody coup.

Morsi, a senior figure in the now-banned Muslim Brotherhood, was attending a session in his trial on espionage charges on Monday when he blacked out and died, according to state media.

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American cleared by Egyptian court

An Egyptian court on Sunday cleared Aya Hijazi, a dual U.S.-Egyptian citizen who has been held in detention for nearly three years, of charges over accusations related to a nongovernmental organization she founded to aid street children. A courtroom in Cairo broke into cheers after the judge dropped all charges against Hijazi, her Egyptian husband and the six other defendants in what human-rights groups called a weak case driven by defective evidence.

Egyptian president says there’s ‘no doubt’ Trump would make a…

Egyptian president says there's 'no doubt' Trump would make a strong leader and cuts him slack on last year's Muslim ban idea after meeting with both presidential candidates Sisi said Trump he could back down from Muslim ban as he develops as a result of experience, reports and advice from experts Clinton also met with Ukrainian head Poroshenko,who says he invited both candidates but Trump, and Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe Egyptian President Abdel Fattah el-Sisi is cutting Donald Trump some slack over a proposal he made last year to ban foreign Muslims from entering the United States. 'I don't want to be unfair to anyone here.