Climate Change Is Our Most Critical National-Security Challenge

Progressive American politicians must embrace the necessity of dramatic action on climate change as a touchstone. So far, Senator Bernie Sanders has done it the most persuasively, campaigning on addressing climate change, health care, racial justice, and economic inequality as his unvaried quartet of issues, invoked in every speech and backed up with serious legislation that shows a willingness to move with real speed.

Migrant arrests at Arizona aid camp raise worries of more deaths in the desert

The arrests of four people at a desert-aid camp for migrants Thursday could deter some from seeking help as a scorching heat wave approaches. Migrant arrests at Arizona aid camp raise worries of more deaths in the desert The arrests of four people at a desert-aid camp for migrants Thursday could deter some from seeking help as a scorching heat wave approaches.

Hillary’s health suddenly legitimized as campaign issue by fainting …

All the sneering of the left and their media enablers over "conspiracy theories" about Hillary's health can no longer contain the explosive issue of her physical fitness for office. At a moment the nation's eyes were focused on her and her rival at the 9/11 ceremonies in New York City, she demonstrated a fragile constitution and looked like death warmed over).

Portland weather: heat wave breaks as chances of rain move in later this week

The sweltering heat that's been draped over western Oregon the last few days was expected to dissipate Saturday with high temperatures only reaching the low 80s, a solid 15 degree drop from Friday's high. That drop will be even more pronounced along the north coast, where temperatures on Saturday could be as much 25 to 30 degrees cooler than were observed on Friday , according to the National Weather Service, and some spots could see measurable amounts of drizzle.

Pro-Sanders demonstrators march in the sweltering heat

Several hundred Bernie Sanders supporters and other demonstrators marched down Philadelphia's sweltering Broad Street on the opening day of the Democratic convention Monday, chanting "Nominate Sanders or lose in November!" and "Hey, hey, ho, ho, the DNC has got to go!" Destine Madu, a protester from Maplewood, New Jersey, said it doesn't matter if Sanders is calling on his backers to support Hillary Clinton. The protests took shape amid a punishing heat wave, with oppressive humidity and temperatures in the mid-90s, along with the possibility of severe thunderstorms in the evening.

Heat wave, drought showing no signs of slowing down

A wildfire burns in the East Walker Ranch open space on Placerita Caynon Road in Santa Clarita, Calif., Sunday, July 24, 2016. Flames raced down a steep hillside "like a freight train," leaving smoldering remains of homes and warnings that more communities should be ready to flee the wildfire churning through tinder-dry canyons in Southern California, authorities said Sunday.

Garcia, Sevastova reach final in Mallorca

A jury has convicted a former Vanderbilt football player of encouraging his teammates to rape an unconscious woman he had been dating. It took jurors just over four hours of deliberation Saturday before finding... A jury has convicted a former Vanderbilt football player of encouraging his teammates to rape an unconscious woman he had been dating.

The Latest: Ronaldo takes selfie with fan after match

The music is thumping and crowds are dancing at gay pride events around the country, with some revelers saying the partying is proof that people won't give in to fear after the Orlando attack. The music was thumping and crowds were dancing Saturday at gay pride events around the U.S., with some revelers saying the partying was proof that people won't give in to fear after last weekend's attack at a gay... Firefighters battling home-threatening wildfires in the West caught a break overnight as gusty winds died down but with the region bracing for sweltering heat, Saturday's respite could be brief, authorities said.

Police search home of man accused of receiving girl as gift

A jury has convicted a former Vanderbilt football player of encouraging his teammates to rape an unconscious woman he had been dating. It took jurors just over four hours of deliberation Saturday before finding... A jury has convicted a former Vanderbilt football player of encouraging his teammates to rape an unconscious woman he had been dating.

Parents ‘overwhelmed’ by support after gator kills toddler

A jury has convicted a former Vanderbilt football player of encouraging his teammates to rape an unconscious woman he had been dating. It took jurors just over four hours of deliberation Saturday before finding... A jury has convicted a former Vanderbilt football player of encouraging his teammates to rape an unconscious woman he had been dating.