Altman: St. Petersburg hero welcomes new medal honoring OSS, CIA’s precursor

Caesar Civitella, right, lauded the creation by Congress of a special medal honoring members of the former Office of Strategic Services. Civitella is shown here at his induction into the Commando Hall of Honor at MacDill Air Force Base, attended by Army Gen.

Now Trump gives Goldman Sachs President Gary Cohn the job as his top economic adviser

Cohn will also be the director of the National Economic Council, according to a memo sent out by the Trump transition team This nomination comes after Trump selected a 17-year veteran of the Wall Street mega-bank to head his treasury department Another member of the Goldman Sachs team was officially offered a Trump administration job, with the transition team announcing today that Gary Cohn, the bank's president and COO, would become Donald Trump's top economic adviser. Cohn will be the assistant to the president for economic policy and director of the National Economic, a release from the transition team said.

Green Party candidate says she’s cooperating in Russia probe

The Senate intelligence committee has asked for documents from former presidential candidate Jill Stein as part of its probe into Russian interference in the 2016 election, adding another new thread to the panel's investigation as it heads into 2018. Stein said in a statement overnight Tuesday that she was cooperating with the probe and is providing documents to the committee.

Flashpoint: Friday’s DDoS Attack Likely Caused By ‘Script Kiddies,’ Not Foreign Forces

Security company Flashpoint said in a blog post Tuesday that the social and technical indicators of Friday's distributed denial of service attack - which took down more than 1,200 websites - reveal that it was likely caused by amateur hackers, or "script kiddies." Many speculated that foreign forces like the Russian government, or WikiLeaks, were behind the DDoS attack, which launched Friday through IoT consumer devices including webcams, routers and video recorders.

DDoS attack shows dangers of IoT ‘running rampant’

A U.S. Senator has joined security officials calling for stiffer cybersecurity for Internet of Things devices following a major attack last Friday. In a letter to three federal agencies , Sen. Mark Warner on Tuesday called for "improved tools to better protect American consumers, manufacturers, retailers, internet sites and service providers."

US Senators call on Pakistan to cooperate with India on Uri probe

Washington, Sep 29: Expressing concern over initial indications that the Uri terror attack emanated from Pakistan, two influential US Senators today called on Islamabad to fully cooperate with India to bring to justice the perpetrators. "We are greatly concerned about initial indications that the perpetrators of this attack were Pakistani and that the attack emanated from Pakistan.

Senator Questions Yahooa s Handling of Data Breach Disclosure, Calls for SEC Investigation

Sen. Mark Warner, D-Va., asked the Securities and Exchange Commission Monday to open an investigation into whether Yahoo "fulfilled its obligations under federal securities laws to keep the public and investors informed," about a massive security breach revealed last week. The company revealed that a "state-sponsored actor" stole data associated with some 500 million accounts from its servers in late-2014.

Wells Fargo Does Damage Control Before Washington Grilling an hour ago

Tim Sloan, the bank's president and chief operating officer, has spent most of the week reaching out and meeting with members of Congress and their staffs in Washington, as the lender confronts blowback over allegations it opened more than 2 million accounts without customers' approval, said people with direct knowledge of the discussions. With the Senate Banking Committee preparing to hold a Sept.

Meet the Bernie Sanders supporter who admires Tim Kaine but is…

A Bernie Sanders supporter who called Tim Kaine "one of the finest people in politics that I've ever known" is heading up a political action committee for Democrats backing Donald Trump. In 2002, he was appointed as a special assistant for policy in the state's Department of Housing and Community Development by then Gov. Mark Warner - currently a senator from the state and a Hillary Clinton backer.

Bipartisan Scrutiny EpiPen price hike puts heat on Dem senator’s daughter

The mounting congressional scrutiny of pharmaceutical giant Mylan over its 400 percent price hike for EpiPen has created an awkward situation on Capitol Hill for Democratic Sen. Joe Manchin -- his daughter runs the company at the center of the scandal. Colleagues on both sides of the aisle, as well as Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton, are now slamming Mylan and demanding investigations into why prices were jacked so high on the lifesaving allergy treatment drug.

Correction: Congress-EpiPens-Manchin story

U.S. Sen. Joe Manchin remained mum Wednesday as a pharmaceutical company run by his daughter faced mounting criticism for hiking prices on life-saving allergy injection pens. The Democratic West Virginia senator's daughter, Heather Bresch , is CEO of Mylan, the manufacturer of EpiPens.

Sen. Manchin mum on EpiPen hikes by daughtera s drug company

U.S. Sen. Joe Manchin remained mum Wednesday as a pharmaceutical company run by his daughter faced mounting criticism for hiking prices on life-saving allergy injection pens. The Democratic West Virginia senator's daughter, Heather Bresch, is CEO of Mylan, the manufacturer of EpiPens.

Tim Kaine as vice president? That would leave a key opening in the Senate.

Just the suggestion that Hillary Clinton may select Sen. Timothy M. Kaine as a running mate has Virginia political circles abuzz about who might replace the swing-state senator if he joins the Democratic presidential ticket. In the event of a Clinton-Kaine victory, state law requires Gov. Terry McAuliffe to appoint someone to fill Kaine's Senate seat for about a year.