Capito criticizes Trump, says he should unite the country

A Republican U.S. senator from one of Donald Trump's most popular states says the president's comments about the violent white supremacist rally in Virginia has created a firestorm and that he should unite the country against racism. West Virginia Sen. Shelley Moore Capito told the Charleston Gazette-Mail in a telephone interview that Trump's most egregious comments were referring to some of the neo-Nazi protesters as "very fine people."

Key GOP senators throw support behind McConnell amid Trump feud

Several key Republican senators are leaping to Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell's defense as the Kentucky lawmaker's relationship with President Donald Trump continues to deteriorate. Sen. John Cornyn, the second-highest ranking Republican in the Senate, voiced support for McConnell on Twitter Friday, saying that "no one is more qualified" than the Senate majority leader to advance the President's legislative agenda.

WV Head Start Programs Receive Funds

United States Senators, Joe Manchin and Shelley Moore Capito announced $3,325,622 in funding for West Virginia Head Start Programs. More than three million will be given from the United States Department of Health and Human Services Administration for children and families to support two local head start programs in Beckley and Oak Hill.

West Virginia governor, a Democrat, to switch to Republican

West Virginia Gov. Jim Justice announced Thursday he's switching parties to join Republicans as President Donald Trump visited the increasingly conservative state. Justice told about 9,000 Trump supporters at a rally in Huntington that he will be changing his registration Friday.

West Virginia governor to switch to Republican

West Virginia Gov. Jim Justice announced Thursday he's switching parties to join Republicans as President Donald Trump visited the increasingly conservative state. Justice told about 9,000 Trump supporters at a rally in Huntington that he will be changing his registration Friday.

WashPost: Senate’s Failure on Repeal Puts Push on Tax Overhaul

Friday morning's failure to repeal the Affordable Care Act is putting pressure on the Republican Party to push through a complex tax overhaul measure, while heading into the 2018 midterm elections that could flip control of the House and Senate back to the Democratic Party. Lawmakers have not given up on the seven-year-long effort to undo Obamacare, reports The Washington Post, but with Friday's failure to push through a "skinny repeal" measure that would have stripped many mandates from the healthcare plan, incumbent lawmakers are left with accusations that they did not live up to the promises that got them elected.

Capito, Manchin reject Trump tweet on transgender soldiers

West Virginia's two U.S. senators both agreed with statements made by the decorated Vietnam War veteran Sen. John McCain about the president's social media post reversing a policy allowing transgender people to serve in the military.

Boy Scouts Chief Apologizes For ‘Political Rhetoric’ In Trump’s Speech

President Trump waves to the crowd after his speech during the National Boy Scout Jamboree on Monday. Saul Loeb/AFP/Getty Images hide caption The head of the Boy Scouts of America apologized Thursday to the organization's members, telling them the group did not intend to showcase the "political rhetoric" in President Trump's speech to the National Jamboree earlier this week.

Trump gives Boy Scouts the usual song and dance

President Donald Trump waved after speaking to the Boy Scouts at Summit Bechtel National Scout Reserve in Glen Jean, West Virginia. President Donald Trump looked out Monday evening at the sea of Boy Scouts who were gathered in a remote field, far away from the travails of the capital, and declared that he would not talk about politics.

Trump jokingly threatens to fire Price if health vote fails

President Donald Trump on Monday jokingly threatened during a speech to thousands of Boy Scouts to fire his health secretary if a crucial vote to repeal "Obamacare" fails. During a speech unlike any most of the crowd had heard at a Scout function before, Trump mixed a traditional message to Scouts of encouragement about loyalty, service to others and never giving up, with mentions of fake news, former President Barack Obama, a replay of how Trump won the election, fake polls, and how Washington is a swamp, or even worse "a cesspool or sewer."

Repeal ObamaCare or ‘You’re Fired’: Trump jokingly warns Price

West Virginia [U.S.A.], July 25 : U.S. President Donald Trump appeared to joke in his address at the Boy Scouts of America's National Jamboree that he would fire Health and Human Services Secretary Tom Price if he fails to scrap Obamacare. Speaking at the occasion, Trump pointed out that several cabinet members are Eagle Scouts.

Trump’s speech to Boy Scouts: ‘Fake media’, crowd sizes and dissing rivals

Ahead of President Donald Trump's appearance Monday at the National Scout Jamboree in West Virginia, the troops were offered some advice on the gathering's official blog: Fully hydrate. Be "courteous" and "kind."

Trump to Boy Scouts: ‘We could use some more loyalty’

President Donald Trump turned a Boy Scouts event into a campaign-style rally Monday, starting off his remarks by saying he'd put aside the "fake news" and other issues in Washington while addressing the Boy Scouts of America 2017 National Scout Jamboree. "I said, who the hell wants to speak about politics when I'm in front of the Boy Scouts?" Trump said.

“Let Obamacare fail,” Trump declares as GOP plan collapses

President Donald Trump declared Tuesday it's time to "let Obamacare fail" after the latest GOP health care plan crashed and burned in the Senate, a stunning failure for the president, Republican leader Mitch McConnell and a party that has vowed for years to abolish the law. In a head-spinning series of developments, rank-and-file Republican senators turned on McConnell and Trump for the third time in a row, denying the votes to move forward with a plan for a straight-up repeal of "Obamacare."