After millions in ad spending, poll shows Rick Scott-Bill Nelson Senate race hasn’t budged

Despite millions of dollars in television ad spending, Florida's U.S. Senate race between Bill Nelson and Rick Scott hasn't budged. The new results, from a poll conducted Friday and Saturday, are exactly the same as the percentages from an FAU poll released May 8 .

Analysis: Trump campaign has spent $0 on television advertising

According to an analysis by NBC News , the Democratic presidential nominee's campaign has spent $52 million on television ads, many of which have been concentrated in the battleground states that will be critical in determining the outcome of the election. Gary Johnson The Hill's 12:30 Report GOP lawmaker voting for Johnson leaves local Republican Party Poll: Clinton leads Trump by 2 in North Carolina MORE , have outspent Trump, the GOP nominee.

Clinton outspending Trump by $116 million on ads

Donald Trump, who overcame an onslaught of negative advertising to clinch the GOP nomination, recently turned to supporters at a rally for advice. The presumptive GOP nominee is being massively outspent on television airwaves: Between Tuesday and Election Day, Trump has reserved zero dollars in television advertising, compared to $117 million from Hillary Clinton and her allies, according to data from the ad tracking firm Kantar Media/CMAG.