Tim Kaine campaigns in Fort Myers

We are just three days away from the general election and lots of attention is being shown to the Sunshine State as Florida is a major swing state. Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton's running mate, Virginia Senator Tim Kaine is scheduled to visit Fort Myers Saturday afternoon.

Democratic VP nominee Tim Kaine uses Spanish to court Arizona…

With five days left to Election Day, Democratic vice presidential nominee Tim Kaine made a strong appeal to Latinos during a speech Thursday in Phoenix delivered entirely in Spanish. Democratic VP nominee Tim Kaine uses Spanish to court Arizona Latinos, attack GOP nominee Donald Trump With five days left to Election Day, Democratic vice presidential nominee Tim Kaine made a strong appeal to Latinos during a speech Thursday in Phoenix delivered entirely in Spanish.

Map Expands: Clinton Campaign to Run Six-Figure Ad Buys in Michigan, New Mexico, Colorado, Virginia

With only seven days to go until Election Day, the Clinton campaign is spending six-figure sums in Michigan, New Mexico, Colorado, and Virginia in a last-ditch bid to secure supposedly "safe" blue states. All four states are considered a lock for Democrats, but the FBI re-opening its criminal investigation of Clinton's use of her illicit, homebrew email server while Secretary of State on Friday sent her campaign into a panic.

Kaine calls FBI email probe “distraction”

Tim Kaine called on the FBI to "put all the details out for the American public to see" regarding the latest development in the Hillary Clinton email controversy during a campaign stop here this afternoon. While describing the letter that FBI Director James Comey sent to Congress on Friday as a "distraction," the Virginia senator and Democratic party vice presidential nominee said it may also have "revved up righteous indignation" among Clinton supporters to give her campaign a boost as Election Day nears.

Whoa. Chicago Tribune writer: Democrats should tell Hillary to step aside

I'm old enough to remember when there were widespread theories in the mainstream media about how Trump had squandered his chances at defeating Hillary Clinton in this election. As a result, the thinking went, he was either getting ready to quit on his own or was about to be forced out by the RNC under a fictional interpretation of the committee rules.

Clinton team: Comey should say whether he’s reviewed emails

Hillary Clinton's campaign on Sunday pressured FBI Director James Comey to release more details about the emails he says could be related to the investigation into her use of a private email server, including whether Comey had even reviewed them himself. Tim Kaine, Clinton's running mate, said Comey owed it to the public to be more forthcoming about the emails under review by the FBI with only 10 days remaining before Nov. 8 election.

It’s All About the Downballot Now

Trump threw away his last best chance for a comeback by threatening his many accusers of sexual assault and unwanted advances with lawsuits, and by refusing to walk back his assertion that he would "keep America in suspense" over whether he would accept the results of the election. Unsurprisingly, his poll numbers have tanked.

I’ll heal divided America, says Hillary Clinton

Hillary Clinton's campaign is increasingly preparing for the possibility that Donald Trump may never concede the US presidential election should she win, a development that could enormously complicate the crucial early weeks of her preparations to take office. Aiming to undermine any argument the Republican nominee may make about a "rigged" election, she hopes to roll up a large majority in next month's election.

Clinton Pledges Unity in Pennsylvania, Saying a Anger Is Not a Plana

Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton and her running mate Sen. Tim Kaine campaigned together in the battleground state of Pennsylvania Saturday, boasting about their campaign's momentum and giving a glimpse of how the two, if elected, would approach uniting the country after an election year of divisive and heated rhetoric. "I know there are a lot of people right here in Pennsylvania who have a lot of questions.

The Latest: Kaine taps a transition director

Democratic vice presidential candidate Tim Kaine has hired a transition director to help him prepare to take office should he and running mate Hillary Clinton win the election. Turnage was Kaine's chief of staff when Kaine was governor of Virginia.

Clinton campaign ponders ‘what if’ Trump doesn’t concede

Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton points to the crowd while speaking at a rally at Cuyahoga Community College in Cleveland, Friday, Oct. 21, 2016. Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton points to the crowd while speaking at a rally at Cuyahoga Community College in Cleveland, Friday, Oct. 21, 2016.

Hillary’s VP, Sen. Tim Kaine, Tells Ohioans 2016 Election In…

Virginia Senator and Hillary Clinton's vice presidential running mate, Tim Kaine, spoke mid-morning at an early vote canvass launch event that attracted a couple hundred supporters who showed up in the affluent Columbus suburb of Upper Arlington, this reporter's high school Alma mater. The Clinton-Kaine campaign knows the power that lies in early voting, and Sen. Kaine, whose time in the Peace Corps in central American enabled him to lace parts of his talk in Spanish, told the attendees that the election was in the palm of their hands with just 20 days until America decides who the 45th President of the United States will be.

Leaked e-mails: Chris Murphy had been on Clinton’s VP list

JULY 27: Sen. Chris Murphy delivers remarks on the third day of the Democratic National Convention at the Wells Fargo Center, July 27, 2016 in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton received the number of votes needed to secure the party's nomination.

Trump casts aside Pence’s hawk talk on Russian-backed Syria

Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump has cast aside his running mate's suggestion that the U.S. should be ready to strike Syrian targets to protect civilians caught in the country's escalating humanitarian crisis. The comment Sunday evening in debate was yet another illustration of Republican vice presidential nominee Mike Pence's challenge as he attempts to validate the GOP nominee's unusually vague positions on international diplomatic and military affairs.