House Votes Today on ‘Tax Reform 2.0,’ But Senate Action Unlikely Before Elections

The House today is likely to approve legislation to make permanent the individual and small-business tax cuts that Congress enacted in 2017, but the Senate won't consider the measure before the November midterm elections. Today's vote is part of a three-bill package of tax relief dubbed "Tax Reform 2.0." The House on Thursday approved legislation by Rep. Mike Kelly , R-Pa., that would expand retirement savings incentives and legislation by Rep. Vern Buchanan , R-Fla., to expand tax breaks for startups.

Eating dogs and cats banned in U.S. in House-passed bill

The House has passed legislation to outlaw the slaughter of dogs and cats for food - a practice that, although rare, is still legal in 44 states. Eating dogs and cats banned in U.S. in House-passed bill The House has passed legislation to outlaw the slaughter of dogs and cats for food - a practice that, although rare, is still legal in 44 states.

Florida Congressman Vern Buchanan: The House Needs to Investigate VA Nursing Homes

U.S. Rep. Vern Buchanan, R-Fla., is calling for a congressional investigation after reports found almost of VA nursing homes across the country are getting the lowest possible marks. Pointing to an investigative articles from USA Today and the Boston Globe which noted many VA run nursing homes suffered from neglect and misconduct, Buchanan wrote the heads of the U.S. House and Senate Veterans Affairs Committees and asked for an investigation.

Some Positive First-Quarter Fundraising News for Republicans

From left, Rep. Carlos Curbelo, R-Fla., Rep. Vern Buchanan, R-Fla., and House Ways and Means Committee Chairman Kevin Brady, R-Texas, confer before a news conference on the Republicans' proposed rewrite of the tax code for individuals and corporations, at the Capitol in Washington, Wednesday, Sept. 27, 2017.

Democrats say Florida statehouse race a bellwether for US

ST. PETERSBURG, Fla. -- A Democratic win in a Florida statehouse district that's firmly Republican is being called a bellwether for national politics, a referendum of sorts on President Donald Trump and his conservative agenda.

US House Speaker meets Saudi king in regional security talks

Saudi King Salman smeets with the U.S. House Speaker Paul Ryan, in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, Wednesday, Jan. 24, 2018. Ryan is leading a Congressional delegation to the Middle East, traveling with five Republican members of congress and one Democrat.

Head of House panel seeks tax relief for hurricane victims

The head of the House's tax-writing committee is putting forward legislation to give temporary tax relief to victims of hurricanes Harvey, Irma and Maria. The bill proposed Friday by Rep. Kevin Brady, R-Texas, chair of the House Ways and Means Committee, would ease requirements for deducting individual property losses and allow people to draw on their retirement funds without penalty.

Why some Republicans are opting for conference calls instead of town halls

A number of Republican lawmakers are opting out of town hall meetings this week, citing concerns about protesters disrupting such events. Roseville police escorted Republican congressman Tom McClintock through an audience from the Tower Theatre in Roseville, Calif., on Feb. 4, 2017.

Congress Finally Passes Zika Funding Bill; Provides $1.1 Billion

More than eight months after the White House first asked for it, Congress has finally agreed on some funding to help fight the Zika virus and study its effects. President Barack Obama signed stopgap spending bill Thursday.

US poised to hit Obama’s target of 10,000 Syrian refugees

That's more than what occurred during the entire seven months after President Barack Obama directed his team to prepare for 10,000 admissions from the war-torn country. Total admissions for the current budget year now come to about 7,900, and the vast majority of them are Sunni Muslims, records show.

House ethics panel finds no wrongdoing by GOP Rep. Buchanan

The House Ethics Committee has ended a four-year probe into Republican congressman Vern Buchanan of Florida, finding no evidence that the lawmaker violated House rules. The ethics panel said in a report Friday there is not enough evidence to conclude that Buchanan himself was aware of unlawful payments made by companies affiliated with Buchanan to reimburse campaign contributors.