Senate Foreign Relations Committee Votes Unanimously to Support Nomination of Hoosier Kip Tom

U.S. Senators Todd Young and Joe Donnelly last week announced that the Senate Foreign Relations Committee voted unanimously to advance the nomination of Mr. Kip Tom of Leesburg, Indiana . Mr. Tom is nominated to be Ambassador and U.S. Representative to the United Nations Agencies for Food and Agriculture.

Senators praise return of soldiersa remains from Korea

Indiana's two senators are praising President Donald Trump efforts to recover the remains of American soldiers killed in the Korean War. Democratic Sen. Joe Donnelly and Republican Sen. Todd Young issued a joint letter Tuesday that welcomes the effort.

Braun, Donnelly gird for a sensational Senate race

More than a year ago, when U.S. Reps. Todd Rokita and Luke Messer began angling for the 2018 U.S. Senate nomination just as President Donald Trump commenced a fitful start, there was the big question: Are you sure you want to give up safe House seats to run in a first Trump mid-term? MSNBC's Steve Kornacke provided the grist: Since 1998, incumbent senators in "hostile states" were 21-3.

President Trump to Sign ‘Big Legislation’ Authored by Donnelly on Right to Try and Regulatory Relief

Today, President Trump said "big legislation will be signed by me shortly," and both the Right to Try legislation and regulatory relief package that makes reforms to Dodd-Frank he touted are efforts U.S. Senator Joe Donnelly led. Enactment of these provisions will build on the 19 Donnelly provisions already signed into law by President Trump since the President took office and 41 measures the Senator's had signed into law since he began serving in the Senate in 2013.

‘Right-to-try’ bill heads to President Trump for signature

The bill allows terminally ill patients to receive experimental drugs not approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration. Republican U.S. Sen. Ron Johnson's two-year push to enact a "right-to-try" bill hit the home stretch Tuesday after the House of Representatives approved the measure and sent it to President Donald Trump's desk for final signature.

GOP wary of Trump as midterm elections near

Some Republican candidates fear that the unscripted and relatively unpopular president could do more harm than good should he campaign on their behalf. Leading party strategists want Trump to focus his time and energy on a handful of Senate contests in deep-red states where Democratic incumbents are particularly vulnerable.

When Trump Attacks Democrats Mostly Stay Quiet

Politico : "After laying into Sen. Jon Tester in late April, Trump is reveling in a new round of attacks on the 10 senators up for reelection in states that the president won in 2016. Always more of an attack dog toward his enemies than a defender of his allies, Trump is laying into 'Sleepin'' Sen. Joe Donnelly of Indiana, calling Sen. Bob Casey of Pennsylvania a 'disaster' and blaming Sen. Sherrod Brown of Ohio for 'catch and release' immigration policies."

Second US Democrat to support Haspel as new CIA chief

A second Democratic senator said Saturday he would support Donald Trump's nominee to lead the CIA despite her past role overseeing the torture of terror suspects, likely assuring her confirmation. Senator Joe Donnelly of Indiana said that after "a tough, frank and extensive discussion" with nominee Gina Haspel, he believes she "has learned from the past... and can help our country confront serious international threats and challenges."

Second Democrat announces support for CIA nominee Haspel

Gina Haspel's nomination to be CIA director received a crucial boost Saturday when Sen. Joe Donnelly became the second Democrat to support President Donald Trump's choice despite questions about her role in the previous decade's controversial interrogation program. The senator from Indiana, who met with Haspel on Thursday, said in a statement that he had ''a tough, frank, and extensive discussion'' with her that covered both her vision for the agency and its past use of ''enhanced'' interrogations against terrorist captives, including methods such as waterboarding that are widely considered torture.