Price says he’s reimbursing costs for his private flights

Health and Human Services Secretary Tom Price, left, is given a band-aid after a flu vaccination from Sharon Walsh-Bonadies, RN., right, during a news conference recommending everyone age six months an older be vaccinated against influenza each year, Thursday, Sept. 28, 2017 in Washington.

Race against time’ for best Zika virus vaccine

Government scientists have identified the most promising Zika vaccine and have started human trials, but a congressional impasse is forcing them to borrow money intended for crucial work on cancer, diabetes, Ebola and other deadly diseases. In a speech attended by other top Zika experts Thursday, Dr. Anthony Fauci, head of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, trod a thin line between describing progress in the Zika fight and pleading for emergency funding held up for months in Congress.

Zika vaccine tested but will take time and money

After a successful trial in rhesus monkeys, a team of researchers, including doctors from Boston's Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center, is ready to start testing a Zika virus vaccine in humans, they announced this week.

Zika funds running out, gridlocked Congress told

President Barack Obama's administration warned Congress on Wednesday that money to fight the Zika virus is on the verge of running out as Capitol Hill faces a political stalemate. In a letter to key lawmakers, the secretary of Health and Human Services said the National Institutes of Health would exhaust its resources for vaccine development by month's end.

Warning to Congress: Zika money running out

The Obama administration warned Congress Wednesday that money to fight the Zika virus is on the verge of running out amid political stalemate on Capitol Hill. In a letter to key lawmakers, the secretary of Health and Human Services said the National Institutes of Health would exhaust its resources for vaccine development by month's end.