Former President George W. Bush ‘honored’ to eulogize John McCain

Former President George W. Bush has accepted an invitation to deliver a eulogy at the funeral of Sen. John McCain at the National Cathedral and is "honored to have been asked to speak," Bush spokesman Freddy Ford confirmed to ABC News on Sunday. Former first lady Laura Bush will also be in attendance.

Throwback Thursday: Sarah Palin resigns as Alaska governor

It's been nine years to the day since former Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin officially stepped down from office, shocking political analysts and the Republican establishment. At the press conference announcing her decision, Palin said that she had been thinking about resigning for a while, and that "I'm not wired to operate under the same old politics as usual."

McCain Regrets Picking Palin Over Lieberman As His 2008 Running Mate

Sen. John McCain is using his new book and a documentary to publicly express his regret at not choosing former Senate colleague Joseph Lieberman as his running mate in the 2008 presidential election, The New York Times reported . McCain wrote in the book, which the newspaper said it obtained independently of the Arizona Republican, that his advisers warned him against picking Lieberman, a Connecticut Democrat who turned Independent, because of his support for abortion rights.

David Geffen Fast Facts

The David Geffen Medical College Scholarship fund offers full tuition to the school's best applicants who attend the David Geffen School of Medicine at UCLA. Under Geffen's tenure, Geffen Records was home to popular artists such as Cher, Donna Summer, John Lennon and Yoko Ono, Elton John, and Guns 'N' Roses.

Bannon’s mention of Sen. John McCain, George W. Bush draws boos at California GOP convention

People gather around Stephen K. Bannon, center, before his speech Friday at the California Republican Party convention at the Anaheim Marriott. Mere mentions of former President George W. Bush and Sen. John McCain drew loud boos and catcalls as former Trump advisor Stephen K. Bannon derided the GOP leaders in his address to California Republicans Friday night at their fall convention in Anaheim.

Missouri Democrats aim for upsets, Republicans look to hold seats in several upcoming contests

The Missouri Capitol stands at dusk on the final day of the 97th Legislature at the Missouri State Capitol in Jefferson City on Friday, May 16, 2014. Photo by Robert Cohen, The Missouri Capitol stands at dusk on the final day of the 97th Legislature at the Missouri State Capitol in Jefferson City on Friday, May 16, 2014.

Obama to McCain after cancer diagnosis: ‘Give it hell, John’

Former President Barack Obama paid tribute to his 2008 presidential election opponent on Twitter late Wednesday after it was announced that Sen. John McCain, R-Ariz., had been diagnosed with brain cancer. "John McCain is an American hero & one of the bravest fighters I've ever known.

McCain says American leadership was betterunder Obama: report

Sen. John McCain said American leadership was stronger under President TrumpA s predecessor, President Barack Obama, according to a Guardian report published Sunday. Asked if the country stood on sturdier ground under ObamaA s leadership, McCain said "yes," according to the report.

Westporter Off to Become U.S. Senate Page

Ethan Parker, 16, of Westport is off to Washington, D.C. this summer to work as a U.S. Senate page under the sponsorship of New York Sen. Charles Schumer, the Senate minority leader. The Greens Farms Academy honor roll sophomore is one of 30 students from across the country who will serve the 100 senators.

US must work with Turkey on Syria, says US senator McCain

The U.S.-Turkey partnership must be revitalized under the Donald Trump administration, Republican Senator John McCain said on Feb. 20 after meeting Turkish President Recep Tayyip ErdoAYan. "I had a warm and constructive meeting with President ErdoAYan today.

President Obama, Mayor Garcetti talk homelessness on the tarmac

Los Angeles Mayor Eric Garcetti took a few extra minutes today to greet President Barack Obama as he arrived at Los Angeles International Airport for what is likely one of his last visits to the city as leader of the country. In a conversation that lasted for several minutes at the bottom of the staircase from Air Force One, Garcetti and Los Angeles County Supervisor Mark Ridley-Thomas, who was also on hand to greet the president, engaged Obama on the LAX tarmac in a discussion about the upcoming election, as well as Los Angeles' homelessness and transportation measures, according to the mayor.

The Latest: Trump says he reserves right to challenge tally

Republican Sen. John McCain, who lost the 2008 presidential election to Barack Obama, says he conceded defeat "without reluctance" even though he didn't like the outcome. McCain said in a statement that he doesn't know who will win this presidential election.

Obama’s Race Gambit

In the heady atmosphere leading up to the 2008 presidential election, a messianic Senator Barack Obama proclaimed he was "five days away from fundamentally transforming the United States of America." That transformation, echoed by Michelle Obama, was to change the conversation, change our traditions, change our history, and move the nation to a different place.

Potter, Randall counties see uptick in voter interest

More Potter and Randall county residents will likely register to vote in November's presidential election than in previous cycles, and county officials are stressing that now is the time for residents to make sure their registrations are up to date. As of July 15, 82,827 Randall County residents were registered to vote, a number that's already higher than the 78,657 total voters registered for the November 2012 general election.

Obama to Tell Foe-to-Friend Story at Hillary Clinton Event

When they take the stage at their first joint campaign appearance on Tuesday, President Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton will show off a new phase in their storied relationship: co-dependents. Clinton's chances of winning the White House hinge on rallying Obama's coalition to her cause.