Spain Features Gay Float In Three Kings Parade

Madrid's 2018 Three Kings Parade featured a gay themed float to encourage LGBT normalization on the eve of Epiphany, stirring outrage among the country's Catholic faithful. The controversial float in Friday's parade featured a female stripper, a female hip-hop artist, and a drag queen, according to Crux Now.

The Clinton Rules, A Story In Three Tweets

This is actually worse than false equivalence, because the Times story on Clinton and Russia was a big nothingburger - Clinton didn't make the deal, she didn't have the authority to veto the deal, and there's no evidence she intervened with the president to get him to approve the deal In addition to the Clinton Rules, Lipton presumably is also downplaying the major Forbes story because he's pissy that he got scooped. The reaction of the reporter who spent the 2016 campaign eating the NYT's lunch is instructive: Such an incredible story by @forbes , deconstructing how the @EricTrumpFdn was apparently used to funnel $ back to the Trump org.

USDA: Rice Ending Stocks Could Rise To The Highest Level In Three Decades

USDA: RICE ENDING STOCKS COULD RISE TO THE HIGHEST LEVEL IN THREE DECADES Jul. 5, 2016 Source: USDA news release U.S. ending stocks of rice for the 2016/17 marketing year are projected at 50.9 million hundredweight , up 19 percent from a year earlier and the highest since 1986/87. The substantial buildup in stocks is the result of a large increase in 2016/17 production that exceeds the gains expected in domestic use and exports.