The Great Gapsby? How modern editions of classics lost the plot

F Scott Fitzgerald’s masterpiece is the latest title to appear in a cheap modern version after copyright expires

“So we beat on, boats against the current, borne back ceaselessly into the past.” It is one of the most memorable literary payoffs in history, the end of F Scott Fitzgerald’s defining novel of the 20th century, The Great Gatsby.

Yet this famous ending will be lost to many readers thanks to the proliferation of substandard editions, one of which loses the last three pages and instead finishes tantalisingly halfway through a paragraph.

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the Curious Case of Maureen Dowd: Shot: Fbi Director James Comey…

FBI Director James Comey stood before the nation and issued a list of Hillary Clinton's astounding wrongdoings Tuesday as regards America's national security - and then said he was not recommending prosecution because, in essence, what Mrs. Clinton did was "extremely careless" but not criminal . As he spoke, I recalled F. Scott Fitzgerald's peerless description in "The Great Gatsby" of a feckless wealthy couple: "They were careless people, Tom and Daisy-they smashed up things and creatures and then retreated back into .