Massachusetts Democrats hope to tie GOP Gov. Baker to Trump

Massachusetts Democrats are hoping to take a notch out of Republican Gov. Charlie Baker's sky-high popularity numbers by lashing him to Donald Trump's incoming administration. In a series of tweets and in an online petition, the Massachusetts Democratic Party has called on Baker to denounce a string of top Trump advisers and Cabinet picks.

EPA issues long-delayed chemical plant safety rule

The Environmental Protection Agency has updated a 25-year-old regulation intended to reduce chemical plant accidents and protect communities, workers, and emergency responders. The revision to EPA's Risk Management Program is part of a sweeping regulatory overhaul of federal industrial safety regulations ordered by President Barack Obama in 2013.

Republican attorneys general eager to dism…

As soon as President-elect Donald Trump assumes office Jan. 20, Republican attorneys general who have spent the past eight years battling the Obama administration's climate change agenda will have a new role: supporting the Republican president's complex legal effort to roll back that agenda. By contrast, states with Democratic leadership - such as California, where Gov. Jerry Brown has promised all-out war against Mr. Trump on global warming - will go from being environmental partners with the federal government to legal aggressors on their own.

Legal Loophole Lets Feds Delete Tons Of Official Records

A loophole in federal law allows Environmental Protection Agency employees and other federal workers get away with deleting millions of official records created using cellphone text messaging, according to government transparency experts. The Federal Records Act and EPA policy allow individual employees who create and receive cell phone text messages to decide whether a particular one constitutes a federal record before deleting or preserving it.

Sources of Flint’s Water Disaster Run Deep

The committee's assessment: the federal Environmental Protection Agency is to blame more than Michigan's own leaders. to the House Appropriations Committee closing the investigation, Representative Jason Chaffetz, Republican of Utah, found that the "federal regulatory framework is so outdated that it sets up states to fail."

EPA review of new chemicals slows

It's been six months since Congress made major changes to the Toxic Substances Control Act , the law that governs the use of chemicals in industrial and household products in the U.S. One unanticipated outcome of the overhaul is a backlog of new chemicals waiting to be reviewed by the Environmental Protection Agency. Chemical manufacturers are up in arms about the delays, claiming EPA's slowness is impeding their innovation.

1 Comment

Donald Trump has won the presidency after narrowly carrying a few states to put him above 270 electoral votes.But according... Senate Republicans refused to give President Obama's pick to replace Supreme Court Justice Scalia even the courtesy of a... New Horizons as envisioned by NASA artists in near eclipse approaching the mysterious surface of Kuiper Belt Object MU69 in Jan 2019 New Horizons as envisioned by NASA artists in near eclipse approaching the mysterious surface of Kuiper Belt Object MU69 in Jan 2019 and by run we mean run into the ground and light the wreckage on fire. The question being bandied about, is he qualified to do that job? Well, that all depends on what your definition of is , is.

Trump To Name Environmental Chief Who Fought Obama Climate Rules

Our eNewspaper network was founded in 2002 to provide stand-alone digital news sites tailored for the most searched-for locations for news. With a traditional newspaper format, more than 100 sites were established each with a newspaper-type name to cover the highest-ranked regions, countries, cities and states.

Trump cons the media on climate

President-elect Donald Trump speaks to members of the media in the lobby at Trump Tower in New York, Dec. 6, 2016. CREDIT: AP Photo/Andrew Harnik This week, President-elect Donald Trump met with some of the biggest names in climate activism: former vice president Al Gore and actor Leonardo DiCaprio.

How religious conservatives unwittingly laid the groundwork to help Native Americans save theira

Much has been written about the success of the Standing Rock protests, where a sustained campaign launched by self-described "water protectors" hailing from more than 300 indigenous tribes managed to pressure the Army Corps of Engineers into reevaluating its support for the construction of the controversial Dakota Access Pipeline. Although it remains unclear whether the decision will withstand a Donald Trump administration, many commentators and environmental advocates have heralded the victory as a bellwether for the power of activism.

Trump picks climate sceptic Pruitt

ELECT Donald Trump has tapped Oklahoma Attorney General Scott Pruitt, criticised as a climate change denier and a staunch fossil fuel ally, to head the Environmental Protection Agency. The announcement on Thursday morning comes after Leonardo DiCaprio met with Mr Trump on Wednesday to discuss how jobs centring on preserving the environment can boost the economy.

Environmental groups seek to defend federal methane rule

Environmental groups are seeking to defend a new federal rule that would restrict how oil companies burn off excess natural gas extracted from public lands. Wyoming, Montana and North Dakota are pressing a federal lawsuit in Wyoming seeking to block a rule that President Barack Obama's administration issued in November requiring certain companies to capture natural gas instead of burning it off.

Obama’s lame-duck red tape

The bowels of the federal bureaucracy aren't exactly Santa's workshop, but legions of Barack Obama's elves are working 24/7 to leave behind large lumps of coal in the Christmas stocking of Donald Trump. Which is odd, because the president's loathing of all things anthracite and bituminous is well known.

Oil, ethanol industries join forces to save EPA fuel program

A group of strange bedfellows, namely the oil and renewable fuel industries, are coming together in a rare call of support for the Environmental Protection Agency's renewable fuel program. The groups, which can sometimes be found suing one another, sent a letter Wednesday night asking EPA Administrator Gina McCarthy not to sign off on a change proposed by refining giant Valero and Monroe Energy to the Renewable Fuel Standard that would fundamentally change the program and create even more havoc for oil and renewable fuel companies.

Trump’s planned rollbacks not easy

Once sworn into office, Donald Trump will be in a strong position to dismantle some of President Barack Obama's efforts to reduce planet-warming carbon emissions. But experts say delivering on campaign pledges to abolish the Environmental Protection Agency and bring back tens of thousands of long-gone coal mining jobs will likely prove far more difficult for the new president.

Trump rollback of Obama climate agenda may prove challenging

Once sworn into office, Donald Trump will be in a strong position to dismantle some of President Barack Obama's efforts to reduce planet-warming carbon emissions. But experts say delivering on campaign pledges to abolish the Environmental Protection Agency and bring back tens of thousands of long-gone coal mining jobs will likely prove far more difficult for the new president.

The EPA Shows Again That It’s an Affront to Common Senseby Henry I….

"Science" there is just a tool to be manipulated in order to advance radical anti-technology and anti-industry agendas, even if it means distorting the intent of statutes and affronting common sense. The EPA is the prototype of agencies that, driven largely by politics, spend more and more to address smaller and smaller risks.