Jimmy Kimmel Absolutely Butchers Gay Wedding Cake Ruling And It’s Not Even Close [VIDEO]

Late night host Jimmy Kimmel tried to mock a court ruling protecting the free speech rights of bakers but instead only revealed that he has no idea what he's talking about. A California judge ruled on Monday that the state can't force Tastries Bakery owner Cathy Miller to bake a wedding cake for a same-sex wedding.

Trump on NYE: 2018’s ‘going to be something very, very special’

President Donald Trump rang in 2018 with shout-outs to his billionaire friends and a warning to his "enemies" during short remarks just before midnight at his posh South Florida club. It's a yearly tradition at Mar-a-Lago: As the ball gown- and tuxedo-clad crowd waits for the stroke of midnight, the estate's owner mounts the stage to commemorate the passing of the year.

Trump to New Yeara s Eve guests: 2018a s a going to be something very, very speciala

President Donald Trump rang in 2018 with shout-outs to his billionaire friends and a warning to his "enemies" during short remarks just before midnight at his posh South Florida club. It's a yearly tradition at Mar-a-Lago: As the ball gown- and tuxedo-clad crowd waits for the stroke of midnight, the estate's owner mounts the stage to commemorate the passing of the year.

La Morada

The first thing to say about this little Oaxacan restaurant in the South Bronx is that the food is excellent. A woman from Mexico City recently swore that it was some of the best Mexican cuisine she'd had outside her home country.

Diners may have to wait longer for restaurant calorie counts.

New government rules to help people find out how many calories are in their restaurant meals are set to go into effect next week after years of delays. But they could be pushed back again if grocery stores, convenience stores and pizza delivery chains get their way.

Diners may have to wait longer for restaurant calorie counts

New government rules to help people find out how many calories are in their restaurant meals are set to go into effect next week after years of delays. But they could be pushed back again if grocery stores, convenience stores and pizza delivery chains get their way.

So, You Want to Make Paul Ryan’s Meatloaf? an hour ago

In these odd times, it's hard to imagine a topic of conversation on Capitol Hill that would surprise people. Paul Ryan, Chuck Schumer, Nancy Pelosi, and Maine Senator Susan Collins all have opinions on the classic American dish, captured by New York Times 's Op-Ed columnist Frank Bruni and Washington reporter Jennifer Steinhauer in their brand new book,  A Meatloaf in Every Oven .  Even President Trump has opinions.

Paging Secretary Yasay

My item last week on the much-improved NBI Clearance section drew many more favorable reader reactions for other government agencies - such as NSO, Philhealth, LTO - which were praised for their fast, efficient, and courteous service. But reader Sandy Sierra still has some serious issues with the Department of Foreign Affairs.

North End schools participate in federal chef program

Through the USDA-sponsored "Cooking for Kids" program, schools applied to have a chef come to their cafeterias several times a year to work with the food service employees to improve methods and best practices, as well as implement new menu items, the Enid News & Eagle reported. Chisholm Food Service Director Rhonda Robinett said members of the district attended a "Cooking for Kids" conference during the summer.