Flooding Could Severely Damage Internet Infrastructure by 2035

US engineers have identified a problem nobody had ever expected to confront so soon: the approach of the flooded internet, caused by worldwide sea level rise. Within 15 years seawater could be lapping over buried fibre optic cables in New York, Seattle, Miami and other US coastal cities, according to a new study.

David Sarasohn: The distance between educational aspirations and reality

The state's officially adopted target is 40 percent of its population having at least a four-year college degree, for another 40 percent having a two-year degree or a professional credential, and every Oregonian having at least a high school diploma. It's an ambitious goal, especially for a state with one of the lowest high school graduation rates in the country and which bumps along toward the bottom of higher education spending.

Hillary Clinton gets some old advice for her historic speech: Be yourself

It's advice generations of parents have given third-graders before a first performance on a field or in a recital. Hillary Clinton gets some old advice for her historic speech: Be yourself It's advice generations of parents have given third-graders before a first performance on a field or in a recital.