Pence delays Israel, Egypt trip as tax vote nears

Washington, Dec 19 - US Vice President Mike Pence, who was scheduled to travel to Egypt and Israel on Tuesday, has postponed his trip until next month to ensure the Senate passage of the much-awaited Republican tax bill, the media reported. The largest tax cut in American history is a landmark accomplishment for President Trump and a relief to millions of hardworking Americans, Pence press secretary Alyssa Farah said in a statement on Monday.

Pence responds to Abbas snub over Jerusalem decision

Palestinian leader Mahmoud Abbas canceled plans to meet with Vice President Mike Pence later this month. Vice President Mike Pence's office said Sunday it was "unfortunate" that Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas canceled plans to meet with Pence in the West Bank this month because President Trump announced the U.S. would recognize Jerusalem as Israel's capital.

Trump calls out Clinton, Bush and Obama on Jerusalem

US President Donald Trump rewound the video tape Friday to show how three predecessors - Bill Clinton, George W Bush and Barack Obama - made promises on Jerusalem that they later backtracked on. "I fulfilled my campaign promise - others didn't!" he boasted on Twitter, posting a video montage of his predecessors to prove his point.

Evangelical Christians Lobbied Hard for Trump’s Move on Jerusalem

President Donald Trump's announcement on Wednesday that he will recognize Jerusalem as Israel's capital followed a sustained push by evangelical Christians that began before he was in office. While the American Jewish community has been split in its support of recognizing Jerusalem as the capital-a politically fraught issue, with far-reaching implications for any peace agreement with the Palestinians-evangelicals have been almost uniform in their support of the move, which many see as a biblical imperative.

Trump to meet senators to discuss biofuels policy

U.S. Senator Ted Cruz of Texas will lead a delegation of lawmakers in a meeting with President Donald Trump on Thursday to argue for changes to the nation's biofuels policy to protect oil refining jobs. U.S. President Donald Trump announces that the United States recognizes Jerusalem as the capital of Israel and will move its embassy there, during an address from the White House in Washington, U.S., December 6, 2017.

No support to Trump’s decision on Jerusalem: Merkel

Berlin, Dec 7 - German Chancellor Angela Merkel said on Wednesday that Germany does not support US President Donald Trump's recognition of Jerusalem as the capital city of Israel. The Federal Government does not support this attitude because the status of Jerusalem is to be negotiated within the framework of a two-state solution, Xinhua news agency quoted spokesperson Steffen Seibert as saying on behalf of Merkel.

The 10 Best Netflix Original Shows Of 2017

President Donald Trump will recognize Jerusalem as the capital of Israel on Wednesday and direct the State Department to begin the process to move the US embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem, senior administration officials said. US President Donald Trump's pledge to declare Jerusalem as the capital of Israel has caused controversy across the world.

Pence: Trump ‘actively considering’ relocation of US Embassy to Jerusalem

President Donald Trump is "actively considering" how to follow through on his pledge to move the U.S. Embassy in Israel to Jerusalem, Vice President Mike Pence said Tuesday, reopening a divisive question that puts the president at odds with military and diplomatic advisers and close allies. Pence drew whoops and applause at an event marking 70 years since the United Nations vote that led to creation of the state of Israel when he contrasted the Trump administration stance on the embassy to that of past U.S. administrations.

Trump: I’ll give peace ‘a shot’ before moving US…

Trump: I'll give peace 'a shot' before moving US embassy to Jerusalem - President Trump said he would like to attempt to establish peace between the Israel and Palestine before moving the U.S. embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem. - "I want to give that a shot before I even think about moving

International stars revive Egyptian tourism

For almost six years, we had missed that enthusiasm and excitement of hosting our favorite celebrities and seeing their photos around the pyramids, between monumental temple pillars in Luxor, or even lounging at our beautiful, sunny beaches. Egypt's iconic monuments and paramount history have placed it on the top of most - if not all - international figures' bucket lists, from the year one; Agatha Christie , Patricia NIXON and U.S. President Richard Nixon , Louis Armstrong , Muhammed Ali , Amitabh Bachchan , Princess Diana , Shakira , Barack Obama , Salma Hayek , Paris Hilton , Van Diesel , and many more.

Congress sits idle in the face of genocide

Kenneth W. Starr, a former U.S. solicitor general and federal judge, served as independent counsel in the Whitewater and Monica Lewinsky investigations during the Clinton administration. In the wake of the Islamic State's genocidal practices in Iraq, the plight of religious minorities on the plain of Nineveh continues unabated.

Hacked emails reveal UAE influence on US think tanks

UAE ambassador to the US Yousef al-Otaiba gained favours from Obama administration veterans by paying them large sums of money [AP] The latest batch of leaked emails from the United Arab Emirates ambassador to the United States Yousef al-Otaiba has revealed the extent of influence the UAE held over various US think tanks, and in turn US foreign policy. The Intercept reported that Otaiba, through the UAE embassy in Washington, DC, had gained substantial favours from Obama administration veterans by paying them handsome sums of money.

Federal judge partially lifts Trumpa s latest refugee restrictions

A federal judge in Seattle partially blocked U.S. President Donald Trump's newest restrictions on refugee admissions on Saturday, the latest legal defeat for his efforts to curtail immigration and travel to the United States. The decision by U.S. District Judge James Robart is the first judicial curb on rules the Trump administration put into place in late October that have contributed significantly to a precipitous drop in the number of refugees being admitted into the country.

Israelis angry at Trumpa s failure to move U.S. embassy to Jerusalem as promised

Israeli officials say Trump has led them astray by failing to follow through on repeated promises to move the U.S. embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem. "For the record, we recognize Washington, D.C.," said Michael Oren, a former Israeli ambassador to the U.S. who now serves as deputy minister for diplomacy in the Netanyahu government.

Which Jewish Billionaire Has Trump’s Ear On Israel – Ron Or Sheldon?

Bill Clinton consulted with folks who came up with him in Arkansas, George W. Bush preferred Texan veterans of his family's hard-fought political battles and Barack Obama had his Chicago peeps. Much has been made of how President Donald Trump has stacked his Cabinet with billionaires, and how he takes off-campus advice from investor Carl Icahn, fellow real estate developer Tom Barrack and media moguls Christopher Ruddy and Rupert Murdoch.

Syrian man who sued over travel bans brings family to US

An attorney for a Syrian man living in Wisconsin who sued over President Donald Trump's travel bans said Friday that the man has been reunited with his wife and young daughter after three years. Attorney Vincent Levy told The Associated Press that his client's wife and daughter obtained their visas and traveled out of Syria to Jordan and then to the United States.

Report: Israel Not Expecting Trump to Move US Embassy to Jerusalem

Israeli officials said Thursday they did not believe President Donald Trump would move the U.S. embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem and he is expected to sign a waiver on a congressional mandate on the action next month, according to news reported. A law mandating a move of the embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem was passed in Congress in the mid-1990s, Haaretz reported, and Trump is expected to follow all U.S. presidents since and sign the waiver because of national security reasons.