Refugee from Iraq pleads guilty in U.S. to attempting to join Islamic State

An Iraqi-born man who entered the United States as a refugee pleaded guilty on Monday in Texas to attempting to volunteer to fight with Islamic State, federal prosecutors said. Omar Faraj Saeed Al-Hardan, 24, pleaded guilty in a federal court in Houston to one count of attempting to provide material support, specifically himself, to the militant group, the U.S. Attorney's Office for the southern district of Texas said in a statement.

10 Things to Know for Tuesday

A peshmerga convoy drives towards a frontline in Khazer, about 30 kilometers east of Mosul, Iraq, Monday, Oct. 17, 2016. Iraqi government and Kurdish forces, backed by U.S.-led coalition air and ground support, launched coordinated military operations early on Monday as the long-awaited fight to wrest the northern city of Mosul from Islamic State fighters got underway.

These 7 Countries Use Child Soldiers, But Obama Will Still Give Them Money

President Barack Obama issued waivers to seven countries that employ child soldiers, issuing them millions of dollars in military assistance. Obama must issue waivers to get around the 2008 Child Soldiers Prevention Act, which prohibits U.S. military assistance to countries which use child soldiers on the battlefield.

World leaders gather for final farewell to former Israeli leader Shimon Peres

On a cloudless blue morning, an honor guard brought the flag-draped casket of Shimon Peres to the Mount Herzl national cemetery on Friday as 100 world leaders and dignitaries from 70 countries assembled to bid a final farewell to the former Israeli leader and Nobel laureate. President Barack Obama, who was the last to speak, said that the contribution made by Peres to Israel was "so fundamental, so pervasive, it can sometimes be overlooked."

The Latest: Family: Peres left detailed funeral plans

The Latest on funeral preparations and a nation in mourning at the death of Israel's ninth President, Shimon Peres : The son-in-law and personal physician of Shimon Peres says the former Israeli president left behind detailed plans for his funeral. Dr. Rafi Walden says Peres requested that his three children speak, along with Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, President Reuven Rivlin, a foreign dignitary and an Israeli cultural figure.

Trump supporters set up West Bank campaign office

Republican supporters of Donald Trump have opened a campaign office in the West Bank, in what they say is a first, hoping to recruit American-Israelis living in the settlements to vote for the Republican presidential candidate. A banner reading "Trump, the interest of Israel" in Hebrew marks the location of the makeshift headquarters, in a home in the northern West Bank settlement of Karnei Shomron.

Little precedent for $400M cash to Iran

In this Jan. 17, 2016 file photo, President Barack Obama speaks about the release of Americans by Iran, in the Cabinet Room of the White House in Washington. A $400 million cash delivery to Iran to repay a decades-old arbitration claim may be unprecedented in recent U.S. history, according to legal experts and diplomatic historians, raising further questions about a payment timed to help free four American prisoners in Iran.

Meet Huma Abedin: Hillary Clintona s right-hand woman

Huma Abedin has worked with Hillary Clinton for decades, serving as the presidential candidate's right-hand woman at the White House, Senate, State Department and private life. But her role in Clinton's career has come into a harsh spotlight as the relationship between the Clinton Foundation and Clinton's State Department is being scrutinized, and Abedin's name is front and center in emails being parsed to determine any inappropriate links.

Clinton Camp Not Planning Foreign Trip, Citing State Department Experience

Hillary Clinton watches a speaker during a campaign rally at Florida International University Panther Arena on July 23, 2016 in Miami, Florida. In the past two election cycles, presidential nominees have embarked on campaign trips overseas to gain international exposure and show off their foreign policy chops.

US to send 560 more troops for fight to recapture Mosul

The United States will send an additional 560 troops to Iraq to help that nation's forces continue their momentum as they push toward Mosul, Defense Secretary Ash Carter said Monday. The additional troops, approved by President Barack Obama, will bring the authorized number of American servicemembers serving in Iraq to 4,657.

U.S. commander: Iraq on roll, mustn’t slow

The top U.S. general for the Middle East said Friday that he is confident that Iraq is on course to defeating the Islamic State extremist group. Gen. Joseph Votel, the new head of U.S. Central Command, spent the day consulting with U.S. and Iraqi military officials and visiting a base north of Baghdad that is training Iraqi army combat units.

US says Iraqi forces have retaken western town of Rutba

The top American general for the Middle East said Friday he is confident that Iraq is on course to defeating the Islamic State, but his words were spare and cautious, his tone notably muted. Gen. Joseph Votel, the new head of U.S. Central Command, spent the day consulting with U.S. and Iraqi military officials and visiting a base north of Baghdad that is training Iraqi army combat units.